Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 308 - Devour

Chapter 308 - Devour

Chapter 308: Chapter 308 – Devour

“Here it comes!”

Seeing this, Karos’ expression stiffened as he stared at the screen, wanting to see every detail clearly.

He would never forget that scene.

Back then, Chen Heng had been like this when he had destroyed the Nothingness Beast with a single hit.

Now, facing the terrifying mutated creature, was he going to go all-out?

Without realizing it, Karos’ hands became covered with cold sweat as he looked on in anticipation.

At the scene, Nothingness energy billowed, covering the surroundings.

Within it, Chen Heng’s figure seemed incredibly unique.

He seemed incredibly massive, like a giant that stood between the heavens and earth. His figure was evidently not very big, and yet everyone’s gaze was drawn to him.

A massive aura spread out as the darkness in the surroundings swarmed into his body.

As all of this happened, Chen Heng’s body felt immense pressure.

“It’s even greater than before…” Chen Heng’s expression was calm as he thought to himself.

Within his body, his Shadow Divinity became active and resonated with the Nothingness energy in the surroundings before drawing it in.

Because of this, Chen Heng’s body was put under great pressure.

Under the control of the Shadow Divinity, the Nothingness energy did not target Chen Heng and instead only provided him with great power.

Fortunately, when the Shadow Divinity was activated, the Light Divinity also gave out divine energy, appearing in Chen Heng’s body.

It was because of this divine energy that Chen Heng was able to hold on. In fact, because of the pressure, his body was becoming stronger and stronger.


Ahead, the mutated creature began to roar.

As if it sensed the changes in Chen Heng’s body, its eyes stared at Chen Heng, now seeming to contain a trace of fear.

Even the mutated creature could sense the changes in the surroundings.

As Chen Heng headed forwards, the Nothingness energy in the surroundings continuously changed, and it was being drawn towards him. It was not strengthening the mutated creature and was instead standing on Chen Heng’s side.

This was quite ironic.

Nothingness energy was energy that originally belonged to the mutated creature; the reason there was even Nothingness energy on this planet was because of the mutated creatures.

They were like the children of Nothingness energy and could naturally control it.

Ordinarily, it was them using this energy to harm others.

And now, the situation had been reversed.

Boundless Nothingness energy gathered, but none of it went to the mutated creature. Instead, it all went to Chen Heng, causing his aura to become stronger and stronger.

Let alone anyone else, even the mutated creature was continuously howling in confusion and fear.

The Nothingness energy had abandoned them and chosen a better vessel.

Could it be that to the Nothingness energy, Chen Heng was a more suitable vessel than the mutated creatures?

Many people felt quite confused about this.

“This shouldn’t be so…” Within he sparse room, the Kar person named Hedo was also stunned.

How could a mere human have greater control over Nothingness energy? josei

Why was this?

Just what was he?

No one had any answers to this.

However, what they knew was that this mutated creature was most likely going to be in trouble.

This was indeed the case.

In the next moment, Chen Heng raised his head.

At that moment, his appearance greatly changed.

Due to the divine energy, his body had become much taller. He no longer looked like a weak boy and now looked much taller and well-built.

His clothes had not changed, but he seemed much more dignified. He even looked more handsome, and seemed like a god who had descended.

His pupils had become a dark gold colour, and as they looked at the mutated creature, even the surroundings seemed to tremble.

In the next moment, he stretched out his hand.

Divine energy exploded out as boundless Nothingness energy was gathered.

“That is…”

Within the ruins of the city nearby, next to a few tanks, the survivors looked at the sky, feeling dumbfounded.

There seemed to be lightning flickering in the sky, containing massive power.

It was as if the sky was roaring, and a sword that seemed to be able to tear through the world began to descend.

Following it was an enormous hand that seemed to be able to cover the sky.

Everything became dim.

In the sky, the sun was covered, and below, the earth began to collapse.

A berserk gale swept across the land.

The scene was incredibly terrifying, and within it, the mutated creature was struggling and roaring.

However, against the terrifying power, it was unable to do anything before it was disintegrated by the massive hand and disappeared.

A massive wave of energy flowed into Chen Heng’s body.

After that mutated creature disappeared, its energy did not disappear and was instead devoured by Chen Heng, flowing into his Shadow Divinity.

After taking in this energy, Chen Heng could sense some changes in his body.

His Divinity went through some slight changes—it seemed that after absorbing the mutated creature’s energy, his Shadow Divinity was no longer as pure.

However, this was normal.

From the Divinity legacy that Chen Heng had inherited, Divinities were the manifestation of laws and were eternal.

For such entities formed from laws, whether it was Light or Shadow, they could be strengthened by other things.

If they were provided with the energy of new laws, they could become even stronger.

This was what was happening now.

However, Chen Heng did not expect devouring a single mutated creature’s energy to cause such a great change to the Divinity.

It seemed that the mutated creatures were not simple at all, and they most likely represented a portion of this world’s laws.

Otherwise, there would not be such an outcome.

A deep desire welled up in his heart.

Within Chen Heng’s body, the strengthened Divinity seemed to be crying out for even more.

It wanted even more mutated creatures to devour even more energy from laws.

Chen Heng did not resist and turned as he looked into the distance.

He looked into the distance and could instantly see the scene there.

Countless creatures were crying out.

In a gathering place, a terrifying mutated creature was going on a rampage, slaughtering all living creatures it came across.

There, many people died in despair and began to mutate.

After devouring that mutated creature’s energy from before, Chen Heng could see even more things.

He could see that after people died from the mutated creatures, energy rushed out of their bodies into the mutated creature.

That unique energy caused the mutated creature to become even stronger and more berserk.

Chen Heng could sense that it was not just the mutated creature; even Nothingness itself seemed to be quickly growing as the mutated creature continued with its massacre.

At that moment, Chen Heng understood the essence of Nothingness.

The essence of Nothingness was plundering.

Mutated creatures were born from Nothingness, and they were pillagers for Nothingness.

As the mutated creatures continuously killed and pillaged, they would continuously supply energy to Nothingness.

As the mutated creatures continuously slaughtered, the power of Nothingness would become greater, allowing the mutated creatures to also become stronger.

This was most likely why the mutated creatures went about rampaging on various planets.

It was different to what the Kar people thought: Mutated creatures indeed became stronger in different environments, but the power they required came from slaughtering other creatures.

“Killing and plundering…” Chen Heng chuckled, “How fitting.”

In the next moment, his body disappeared.

“The Protagonist… where did he go?”

Seeing the scene on their screens, everyone watching felt quite startled.

After some time, they finally saw Chen Heng’s figure.

By now, Chen Heng had come to another gathering place.

It had already been broken open by a mutated creature, and countless people were crying out in terror.

In terms of power, mutated creatures were incredibly powerful, but what was truly crucial was their Nothingness energy.

Once their Nothingness energy spread out, it would cause the lifeforms in the surroundings to fall into terror.

After humans began to mutate, the best thing that could happen to them was death.

Their mutation would either fail, causing them to die, or it would succeed, causing them to become a monster that no longer had consciousness.

As for Chen Heng, he was an exception.

Even now, the humans had no idea where the Protagonist’s power came from.

However, the fact that he could completely kill mutated creatures was undeniable.

This news had already spread, greatly boosting morale and providing humanity with a trace of hope.

This was why everyone was still holding on to hope and was not just waiting for death in despair.

Now, the Protagonist had come to where another mutated creature was.

Was he going to clear out all of the mutated creatures?

Thinking about that, everyone became incredibly excited.

The satellite once again began to broadcast, and that familiar figure appeared before everyone’s eyes.

“The broadcast will now begin…” the beautiful MC spoke, “This is District 1, and as everyone can see, the mutated creature has already broken through the defenses and entered.

“The Protagonist has also just arrived. Let us see how this encounter will end.”

Following this, a ravaged underground world appeared before everyone’s eyes.

In the depths of the District, the terrifying and savage mutated creature stood there with its enormous body.

Even though they were not facing the mutated creature themselves, just looking at it through the screen, they all felt incredibly apprehensive.

By now, it had been many years since the catastrophe had begun.

They were not unfamiliar with the appearance of the mutated creatures. In fact, many people had escaped from cities that the mutated creatures had slaughtered.

Soft singing sounded out.

This sound was incredibly clear and had a magnetism to it. Just hearing it, everyone felt as if their minds were being cleansed.

A boy’s figure appeared on the screen, looking incredibly handsome and exquisite. As he walked through the ruins, he was singing to himself.

“What is he doing?”

Seeing Chen Heng’s actions, many people did not understand.

The evil mutated creature was ahead, but the Protagonist was not heading forwards to deal with it; what was he doing?

However, soon, they realized.

On the screens, faint light was flashing.

As Chen Heng continued to sing, a faint light spread out from his body.

As everyone watched on, the light slowly spread out, covering this entire area.

Following this, a shocking scene unfolded.

Underground, there were countless people crying out as they were being infected by the Nothingness energy and mutating.

However, as the light covered them, their mutations stopped.

Everyone stared at their bodies and could sense a warm feeling spreading through their bodies.

The mutations reversed, and even all of their injuries were healed.

“Mummy… mummy!”

Within the ruins, a little girl’s joyous shout sounded out.

The woman in front of the girl, who had been on her last breath, once again opened her eyes.

The light had saved everyone.

Boundless divine energy spread out, like a world-cleansing light of the legends, banishing all of the evil darkness.

At that moment, everyone turned and looked towards the source of the light.

There, a figure was slowly heading forwards.

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