Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 309 - Transformation

Chapter 309 - Transformation

Chapter 309: Chapter 309 – Transformation

Not too far away, a boy was slowly walking forwards. His clothing was very simple, but his features were very exquisite. His face was calm and somewhat gentle as he advanced.

A strange aura rose up from his body, and as he headed forwards, it became greater and more terrifying.

In the underground area, the boundless light had already covered the surroundings.

After the area was covered by the light, the terrifying mutated creature seemed to have lost its threat. It continuously roared but was unable to explode out with any more terrifying power.

Being suppressed by the light, the mutated creature continuously retreated, and its connection to Nothingness energy seemed to have been cut off.

Chen Heng continued to slowly walk towards it.

By now, everyone in the world was completely dumbfounded.

“How is this possible?!” Hedo looked at the scene in disbelief, “Covering an entire District with his own power? Is he even a human?”

At that moment, he began to wonder if Chen Heng had a perpetual motion machine hidden within him.

This was a bit too incomprehensible.

No matter how much something could evolve, it had to still obey the laws of conservation of energy. josei

For Chen Heng to unleash such power with his small body, it was already shocking enough.

However, at that time, it was at least justified by the Nothingness energy.

It seemed that after his body had mutated, he could use the Nothingness energy.

However, how could this current situation be explained?

To be able to cover an entire region and purify everyone within it, the energy required would be massive.

However, where did this energy come from?

Surely it wasn’t also Nothingness energy?

At that moment, countless people felt perplexed, not knowing how to understand this.

“Have there been any results?”

In another room, a few elders were madly discussing, feeling greatly shaken, “How can a human’s body contain such terrifying power?”

“Even if he can contain this energy, where did it come from? Surely it can’t have come from nowhere?”

“Does it come from Nothingness?”

“It’s possible, but it doesn’t seem very likely…”

“Didn’t you see the reaction? That energy obviously counters Nothingness energy and can even dispel it. Its source cannot be Nothingness energy!”

Discussions continuously sounded out.

At that moment, everyone was discussing, but they could not come to a conclusion.

However, they came to a common agreement: The Protagonist held great secrets in his body.

If they could successfully research it, it would be incredibly beneficial to humanity and could cause human civilization to instantly soar.

However, they understood that this was for the future.

Right now, they could not do anything.

Following this, everyone began to watch on nervously.

Fighting with a mutated creature was an incredibly difficult matter.

Right before fighting with the mutated creature, the Protagonist was using such great power to suppress the Nothingness energy and heal the survivors; would he still be able to defeat this mutated creature?

Surely he had a limit, and if he reached that limit, he would fall.

Moreover, before coming here, he had already fought with a mutated creature and killed it.

Under such circumstances, could he still deal with this mutated creature?

Everyone felt qutie worried.

However, different to what everyone thought, Chen Heng felt quite at ease.

He seemed like he was walking very slowly, but in actuality, every step he took he traversed a large distance.

Using a divine skill to purify and heal everyone’s bodies seemed like it would use up much energy, and this was indeed the case.

If a Priest from the World of Gods was here, even a top-tier Priest would only be able to do so after exhausting all of their strength.

However, Chen Heng was different.

Right now, his body was surging with energy, and in fact, it had even more energy than before.

Even though the amount of energy he had used was incredible, it was not a big deal to him.

The energy regenerated incredibly quickly, far beyond what anyone could imagine.

Most of Chen Heng’s energy came from the faith energy that others gave him.

Now that he had protected everyone here, he received massive amounts of faith energy, which was then converted into divine energy.

The incredible amount of faith energy that he received even caused him to feel dizzy for a slight moment.

This world had an incredibly large population, so when Chen Heng displayed his power before everyone, the amount of faith energy he received was naturally enormous.

Right now, Chen Heng was certain that the amount of faith energy he had obtained would be something admired even in the World of Gods.

Chen Heng continued to calmly advance.

A massive wave of mental energy slowly spread out, locking on to the mutated creature.

There, the mutated creature continuously howled as if it was feeling terrified.


The mutated creature howled as it continuously retreated as if it wanted to escape from here.

However, by now, it was too late.

After Chen Heng had come, this area had been locked down by him, as had the mutated creature. Even if it wanted to escape, it was impossible.

Countless people’s faith energy gathered on Chen Heng’s body, causing his aura to become massive.

Countless people’s thoughts towards the mutated creature gathered on Chen Heng’s body, which could be summed up in one word.


This was the culmination of years of suffering, and sensing this massive will, Chen Heng lightly sighed.

“It’s over…” a faint voice sounded out.

As everyone watched on, the massive, terrifying mutated creature’s body began to go through changes.

With a light bang, the mutated creature’s howling stopped.

Its body began to crack, making it look like a cracked porcelain bottle.

At first, the cracks were very small, but they became bigger and bigger. Eventually, the mutated creature cracked apart, turning into bloody crystals on the ground.

A wave of pure source energy flowed into Chen Heng’s body.

In that moment, great vitality appeared within his body.

His Shadow Divinity shined as its inscriptions became even more intricate and larger.

Just like before, after devouring this mutated creature’s energy, Chen Heng’s Divinity once again grew and reached a new level.

Standing there, Chen Heng examined his condition.

After devouring the energy from two mutated creatures, his condition had greatly changed.

Compared to before, his Shadow Divinity had become almost twice as strong.

The strengthening of his Divinity meant an increase in his own strength.

Chen Heng could instinctively feel that he could absorb energy from killing and plundering.

This feeling was incredibly realistic, causing Chen Heng to frown.

“Wanting to devour…”

Standing there, he thought back to the mutated creatures, as well as how they continuously killed and made the Nothingness energy stronger.

The Nothingness energy represented killing and plundering.

It seemed that after the Shadow Divinity devoured the Nothingness energy, it had also gained this attribute—it could also absorb other creatures’ energy from killing.

This kind of ability was incredibly powerful, but from how Chen Heng saw it, if he was not careful, it would be easy for him to go mad.

To Chen Heng, killing enemies to obtain energy was not a big deal.

However, if he continuously slaughtered just to become stronger, then there might be problems.

If that was the case, he might go mad and no longer be able to control himself.

It seemed that this was the case for the mutated creatures.

As creatures born from Nothingness, they did not have a consciousness and were completely controlled by Nothingness energy. No matter what creatures they encountered, they would instinctively want to slaughter them.

Even though they could continuously become stronger, they were just the puppets of Nothingness energy.

Chen Heng could see this clearly.


Sounds came from the distance, and Chen Heng heard fervent prayers, hoping that he would descend.

His thoughts were cut off by the prayers, and he raised his head and looked ahead.

Through the faith threads in his body, his vision arrived far away.

In other places, similar mutated creatures had also appeared, rampaging and killing.

Similar to this region, other regions were also going through disasters and there were people crying out everywhere.

It was like a scene from hell.

Seeing this, Chen Heng’s expression was calm as he began to move.

As everyone watched on, his body gradually became transparent before disappearing.

A faint light flashed, and after it disappeared, Chen Heng was also gone.

Elsewhere, in a chaotic place.

A mutated creature was rampaging chaotically in the ruins, causing countless people to cry out.

A light flashed as a figure appeared.

At that moment, he had quickly come to another place and looked around.

As he looked about, he saw the people and ruined surroundings clearly.

He did not hesitate and directly walked over to meet the mutated creature.

“Is he… going to kill another mutated creature?” many people inwardly cried out seeing this scene.

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