Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 311 - – Descent of Meteorites

Chapter 311 - – Descent of Meteorites

Chapter 311: Chapter 311 – Descent of Meteorites

Just like this, the catastrophe ended.

No one thought that things would end like this.

In a single day, all of the mutated creatures had been destroyed, and the one who had done this was not the government but a single human.

On this day, the Protagonist had also perished after using all of his strength, and he had buried himself on the world’s tallest peak.

That was a forbidden area for now, and no one could go there.

In that moment, the Protagonist’s name spread throughout the world.

Every nation listed him as a hero and gave him the greatest glory.

Following this, the government unearthed some information about the Protagonist.

Chen Heng’s body’s father had been a government researcher and been listed on the government records, so he was quickly found.

Back when the catastrophe had just begun, before humanity had retreated underground, Chen Heng’s previous identity had interacted with many people, and some of them were still alive.

After those people came out, the world began to have a better understanding of the Protagonist.

Only then did everyone know that the Protagonist had just been a normal child before.

He had been kind, intelligent, and a good student. He was friendly to all of his classmates and never had any conflict with anyone.

His father was a government researcher and had worked for the government for many years.

Once this news spread, this caused great waves.

The world discovered that the Protagonist was not some alien but a real human.

This discovery raised the interest of many people—after all, the Protagonist had just been an ordinary person in the past.

So how had he gained such terrifying power and defeated those monstrous mutated creatures?

Everyone felt very curious and wanted to know.

There was not anyone who was not interested in that terrifying power, and many people desired it.

In fact, even the government wanted to know.

As such, even though the government had publicly restricted access to the mountain, it had posted a bounty for the Protagonist’s body at an astronomical price on the black market.

Countless people wanted to obtain the Protagonist’s corpse to research his secrets so that they could also become like him.

As time passed, human civilization gradually recovered.

After the mutated creatures were exterminated, humanity returned to the surface of the world.

Even though the mutated creatures were gone, there were still remnant traces of Nothingness energy and some mutated lifeforms on the surface. josei

However, to human civilization, those mutated lifeforms were not a big threat.

Ordinary people might not be able to deal with them, but the government’s military could deal with them.

As such, after the mutated creatures disappeared, human civilization quickly recovered.

Everything seemed incredibly peaceful and wonderful.

However, during the peacefulness, a new threat was descending.

In front of a massive and deep abyss, dense black fog appeared.

Following this, a black object flew out of the abyss and slowly descended.

“Detected remnant traces of Nothingness energy. This location has been identified as a Nothingness Infected Land…”

A robotic voice came from the black object, “The destruction process has been activated…”


A formless signal was quickly sent out.

In the depths of space, as that signal was sent out, some changes began to happen.

Between many stars, large numbers of meteors began to change direction and head in a certain direction.

“What did you say?”

In front of a massive screen, looking at Hedo, the elder’s expression became one of confusion as he repeated, “Meteorites are descending…”


Hedo’s expression was also grim. He nodded as he continued, “Did you forget what I told you in the past? Our Kar civilization was not destroyed by the mutated creatures and was instead destroyed by meteorites…

“Now, it seems to be your turn.”

He shook his head as he spoke.

“Why is it like this?!”

The elder’s face was ashen as he said, “The mutated creatures… weren’t the mutated creatures destroyed…

“Why are the meteorites still coming?!”

“Perhaps you know that the mutated creatures have been destroyed, but the machine responsible for detecting them does not think so,” Hedo shrugged as he said, “In the end, the mutated creatures also disappeared from the Kar civilization, but the meteorites still came.

“Now, it is the same for you. Perhaps what the higher-level civilization wanted to destroy were planets infected by Nothingness energy…’

“No matter if the mutated creatures have been destroyed or not, as long as there is still Nothingness energy on your planet, you will still be a target for destruction.”

Speaking to there, Hedo gave a cold smile, “After all, to those higher-level civilizations, destroying some planets is not difficult at all. In fact, they might not have personally decided this and just wrote some self-executing systems…”

Hearing Hedo’s words, the elder fell silent.

He now understood that this was the most critical time.

The descent of meteorites was most likely a system set up by a higher-level civilization, which targeted planets that were stained by Nothingness energy.

As for whether or not there was any collateral damage, that did not matter to them.

After all, to those higher-level civilizations, other civilizations did not matter. In fact, they might compete with them for resources in the future.

After thinking about this, the elder fell silent for a while before asking, “What should we do now?”

“There isn’t much you can do,” Hedo said as he shook his head, “Facing those meteorites, even the planet will not remain afterwards. Even if you try everything, there is no way to stop them. Your only choice is to leave.”


The elder raised his head, a trace of hesitation in his voice, “Just like you?”

“Yes,” Hedo nodded, “you have no other choice.”

“As long as you leave here, you can preserve a seed of this civilization and continue to develop. On the other hand, if you choose to stay, the outcome will be disastrous.

“At the very least, under the impact of the meteorites, none of you will survive.”

Hedo spoke openly, “Our Kar civilization was much stronger than yours and had greater technology.

“However, we could not do anything about this and could only abandon the majority to save the minority. Otherwise, we never would have even met. Now, it is your turn to make a decision…”


Hearing Hedo’s words, the elder fell silent and did not know what to say.

Abandoning the majority and choosing a minority was not a decision that could be easily made.

Moreover, the human civilization was not like the Kar civilization.

Compared to the human civilization, the Kar civilization was much more advanced, so they could create the Nothingness Beasts and save some people.

However, just because the Kar people could do this did not mean that the humans could.

At the very least, even though they had acquired much of the Kar people’s technology, they were still unable to create a Nothingness Beast.

The difficulty of the technology was too great and was not something that could be easily done.

Leaving the planet was not too difficult with humanity’s current technology, but any further was not too possible.

Traveling a long distance to move to another planet was incredibly difficult, and with humanity’s current technology, it was not quite possible.

Even with the Kar people’s support, it would still be almost impossible.

“How many could your Nothingness Beasts take with them?” the elder asked.

“Not too many,” Hedo shook his head, “Moreover, there are no longer any Nothingness Beasts.

“The genes for creating Nothingness Beasts are already gone, and it is impossible for you to create any more.”

He shook his head, not knowing what to say, “Just do your best to make preparations. The meteorites will arrive soon.”

He did not bother saying any more and directly turned and left, leaving behind the elder staring at his screen, thinking desperately to himself.

News of the meteors descending soon reached the government.

In just a few days, they sensed some abnormalities.

Far away, a meteorite that had been in orbit suddenly changed directions and headed quickly towards the world.

This did not seem normal at all.

Without any external influence, this meteorite would not directly and suddenly head towards the world.

That was what everyone who saw this thought to themselves.

However, at this point, there was not much point in thinking.

The fact was that the distance between the two was not very far away.

If this massive meteorite collided with the world, the consequences would be fatal.

From their current estimates, soon, the human world would be shattered and there would be nothing left.

When that time came, what would happen to humanity?

The answer was obvious.


All over the world, people wept, “Are going through all of that suffering, we finally had some peace… why did things turn out like this?”

Many people felt like they were going to go mad, feeling that the world was unfair.

After going through so much, the mutated creatures had finally been exterminated, and humanity could finally start to rebuild their civilization.

This catastrophe was even more terrifying than the ones before.

At the very least, no matter how the mutated creatures rampaged, they could not destroy the entire planet or kill all humans.

However, this meteorite descending was going to end everything.

No one could understand or accept this.

After struggling in hell for so long, this was what greeted them.

Countless people began to break down, their hearts filled with despair and pain.

However, even so, there was nothing they could do.

No matter how they felt, the meteorite was still resolutely falling.

At first, the government wanted to hide this news, but this was not something that could be suppressed.

The astronomists among the civilians could use their machines to detect the situation and make reasonable guesses.

The information spread through those people and could not be stopped as well.

The atmosphere of despair became heavier and heavier.

“Is this it?”

Within the ruined city, Karos stood in his base as he looked at the sky.

The meteorite was very close to the world now.

Even just standing on the surface people could clearly see the meteorite.

As time passed, they could see the meteorite becoming larger and larger.

Seeing this, Karos sighed, “It’s over…”

Back when the abnormalities had begun, he had foreseen this scene.

Back then, the Kar planet had also been destroyed like this.

From when the signal had been emitted, it had only been a few months.

Karos was not unfamiliar with this kind of scene; he had already experienced it once.

However, even though he had felt despair, there had still been hope, as well as a Nothingness Beast to take him to leave.

However, now, there was no such option.

He could only just wait for death like all of the humans.

Thinking to there, he sighed and did not think much more.

Come to think of it, to be able to see such a spectacular scene twice, it was worth it.

It was just a pity that he had not completed his experiments.

He pulled aside the curtains and looked at the many vessels with humans in them.

After Chen Heng had passed away, Karos had sensed the massive potential in humans and began to research.

He and the human governments worked together, using criminals and volunteers to carry out these experiments.

Over this period of time, he had garnered some results, but he was far from satisfied.

Let alone the terrifying power that Chen Heng had unleashed, it was difficult to even reach the level of those ordinary puppets.

Karo was not disappointed; after all, experiments usually took a long time to succeed.

However, it seemed that he no longer had any time.

Standing there and looking at these receptacles, he sighed and gave up on any hope.

Elsewhere, Liu Na had put on a white lab coat as she stared at a screen.

There was a countdown timer on the screen, and in a few days, the meteorite would collide with the world.

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