Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 312 - Revive

Chapter 312 - Revive

Chapter 312: Chapter 312 – Revive

Everyone felt incredibly helpless, and they could only close their eyes as they waited for the inevitable.

The government’s army was already prepared, making sure that no one could cause any chaos.

Even now, the government was still maintaining peace and order.

The spaceship to leave was already prepared and would leave soon.

However, with humanity’s technology and resources, this spaceship’s people would not be able to reach their destination; they would use up all of their resources before they arrived.

Their destiny was just to be lost in space, becoming frozen corpses.

Everyone understood this clearly.

“It’s over…”

A few days had flashed by in the blink of an eye.

By now, the meteorite in the sky was extremely eye-catching.

Anyone who raised their head would be able to see it clearly.

Because of gravity, the world started to go through changes. The ground collapsed and mountains crumbled as many other natural disasters unfolded.

However, this was not unexpected to most people.

Right now, they were waiting for that final moment.

“Are we… going to die?”

As fate was about to descend, everyone looked towards the sky.

This was most likely the last scene they would see in their lives.

“As we can see, the meteorite is currently descending…”

On various screens, the broadcast was going on, but there was no image.

Because of the gravitational pull, when the meteorite had begun to descend, the satellite had been destroyed.

On the screen, the familiar MC was standing there with a massive countdown timer behind her.

She still had a slight smile on her face as she looked at everyone. josei

“If nothing unexpected happens, the meteorite will crash into our planet in two hours…”

“Humanity has a long-standing history of over ten million years. We were not like this at the start but gradually evolved over time…”

As the MC spoke, images began to appear on the screen.

On the screen, images of humanity’s history appeared.

“About 10 million years ago, humanity’s ancestors began to walk on the land…

“Three million years ago, humans began to use tools, creating simple stone tools to hunt prey…”

“Two million years ago, large stone structures appeared all over the world as our ancestors stood at the peak of the world…”

Images continued to flash, looking incredibly vivid.

Looking at those scenes, countless people fell silent.

On the screen, the MC continued to speak.

“8,000 years ago, the earliest feudalistic societies appeared, and the first agricultural societies began…

“5,000 years ago, the human population broke through to 500 million…

“500 hundred years ago, we entered an industrial revolution…”


The scenes continuously changed as they came closer and closer to the present day.

“21 years ago, the Catastrophe Era descended as mutated creatures began…

“Six years ago, we withdrew from the surface and built a civilization underground…

“One year ago, the Protagonist appeared and exterminated all of the mutated creatures before being buried on the world’s tallest peak…

“And today, a meteorite is going to descend…”

The MC’s smile did not change as she continued.

“Human civilization continuously grew and developed, and we did not become prosperous just because of luck…

“Our civilization was established by our ancestors, who worked hard generation after generation…

“Generation after generation passed, and generations of heroes continuously spilled their blood. People continuously chased their dreams, establishing this majestic history.

“Let us remember the heroes of our history…

“Perhaps they have already died, but their names are forever written in our hearts.”

Famous names appeared on the screen, including what they had done.

They were all people who had advanced human history, and at the very end, the Protagonist’s name was also there, accompanied by the footage of him standing on the tallest peak.

“Let us remember their names…”

The MC’s voice continued to sound out.

“A poet once wrote these words…

“I am about to leave my home, but I am not afraid because he is there.

“My country is about to be destroyed, but I will not fear.

“My friends will soon die, but I am not afraid because he is in my heart.

“As for my family and my children, they are in my arms…”

The verses were read out one after another.

The MC gave a slight smile as she continued, “Now, our planet is about to disappear, and our civilization might also perish…

“But we have no need to be afraid or terrified.

“Please hug your family members and tell them that we are still here.

“A great scientist once said that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and will instead exist in a different form…

“We are the same. Perhaps our planet and civilization will disappear, but as long as we remember our history, we will not disappear and might once again appear someday.

“When that time comes, we will be reborn.

“As for right now, please close your eyes and begin to pray.”

Behind the MC, the countdown timer was about to reach zero.

On the planet, many people were crying or shouting.

“We will never disappear, nor will we admit defeat!”

In that moment, all of humanity’s willpower gathered in the air.

Massive mental energy condensed, shaking the world.

However, the meteorite continued to descend.

This situation was not something that people’s willpower could turn around.


As the world shook, Nothingness energy began to spread, covering everything and becoming incredibly active.

Darkness began to descend, covering all light and plunging the world into darkness.

Right now, many people were still praying.

“Almighty god, if you really exist, please come to save us… Please give us a miracle and destroy his calamity…”

Countless people were sincerely praying.

The massive amount of faith energy gathered together and resonated.

On the world’s tallest peak, a figure seemed to sense something.


The sound of ice cracking sounded out on a human-shaped ice sculpture.

Following this, large chunks of ice fell to the ground, revealing a boy.

His appearance was the same as before, and within his eyes, dark golden light flashed.

His clothes fluttered in the wind as he raised his head and looked into the sky.

Right now, he could feel countless traces of faith energy gathering towards his body.

That faith energy was completely ignited and turned into pure divine energy as it flowed into Chen Heng’s body.

Compared to a few months ago, Chen Heng’s body had gone through some changes.

Power surged in his body; under the influence of divine energy, his ordinary body had become incredibly powerful.

Even if he did not rely on divine energy, he could still unleash great power with just his body.

Even his peak status could not compare to himself right now.

Moreover, that was not all.

Within his body, the Shadow Divinity’s transformation had finished. Compared to its original state, it was five or six times bigger.

New power blossomed in his body, giving him a new experience.

However, right now, that was not what Chen Heng was focused on. He silently raised his head and looked towards the horizon.

Great darkness covered the entire world.

The entire world was trembling, as if it was the apocalypse.

Even without sending out his senses, Chen Heng could sense countless howls and prayers.

Everyone in the world was praying.

Massive amounts of faith energy gathered and flowed into his body.

Sensing this, Chen Heng realized something.

As such, he raised a hand.

As he raised his hand, the entire world seemed to quieten down.

Boundless light appeared throughout the world.

Light began to quickly spread throughout the world with Chen Heng at the center.

In a sense, this represented Chen Heng’s power reaching a whole new level.

“This light…”

The light banished the darkness.

Everyone looked dismayed as they realized what it was.

“The Protagonist!”

“It’s the Protagonist!”

Countless people cried out in joy, “The Protagonist isn’t dead?”

Under this light of divine energy, the world began to calm down.

The ground no longer shook and mountains no longer crumbled. Even the gravity that had caused all of the chaos began to return to normal.

Not only this, that light dispelled all of the darkness around the world.

“Incredible… Incredible…” Karos walked out of his base and looked around as he exclaimed, “Just how did he do this…”

Just like everyone else, he had thought that Chen Heng was dead.

However, it seemed that this was not true.

Not only had he not died, his power had become even greater.

Many months ago, he had been strong enough to easily kill mutated creatures.

However, even back then, his power could not compare to right now.

As he watched on, light covered the surroundings.

The boundless energy purified the remnant Nothingness energy and settled down all of the abnormalities.

No one knew how he had done this.

However, everyone knew that his power would definitely be terrifying.

A figure stood on a tall peak, his hair fluttering in the wind.

His expression was calm and his aura was incredibly noble and prestigious, as if he was a god who had descended to this world.

He rushed into the sky, shooting towards that meteorite.

“That is…” Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

“The Protagonist… is he thinking of getting rid of that meteorite?”

“Can he really do such a thing?”

Everyone guessed at Chen Heng’s goal but did not feel very confident.

Could a human’s power really contend with a meteorite?

After all, they were on completely different levels.

And now, a human had stepped forwards.

What could he do?

Everyone could not help but raise their heads and watch on.

They desperately hoped that the Protagonist would be able to succeed and get rid of this calamity.

As they watched on, Chen Heng’s body quickly disappeared.

Massive amounts of divine energy appeared, covering the human world.

Facing the meteorite, Chen Heng did not have much confidence either.

However, he had no other choice. He was also reliant on the human planet, and if the human planet was destroyed, he would also fall.

This was the main reason.

Moreover, the dense energy within his body made it seem like anything was possible.

At the very least, with such great divine energy supporting him, he would attempt incredibly crazy things.

“Let’s give it a try!”

Chen Heng raised his head as his dark golden pupils looked forwards.

Boundless energy appeared from his body and surged forwards towards the meteorite.

At that moment, the meteorite’s momentum seemed to stall as it was unable to proceed any further.

Following this, massive amounts of divine energy swept out, and everyone watched on in shock as the meteorite was slowly pushed away.

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