Fatal Shot

Chapter 439 - Feng Luo vs Grizzly Bear

Chapter 439 - Feng Luo vs Grizzly Bear

Chapter 439: Feng Luo vs Grizzly Bear

“What?” The Scout player looked shocked. Clearly, he did not expect to see an energy shield over the body of a Sniper.

And the two bullets that weren’t blocked by the shield also inflicted damage far lower than what he would normally expect.

“Ta, ta!”

His reaction speed was quicky; upon finding out that he could not inflict much damage on Feng Luo under those circumstances, he immediately moved his muzzle and aimed towards Onishi, who was charging at him. His body had already started moving backward to retreat into cover.

“Be careful! This enemy Sniper might be the player who completely messed up our Tyrant manipulation mission earlier!” At the same time, he also shouted a word of caution to his remaining guildmates.

Feng Luo’s most recent shot inflicted a damage number of over 6,000; and also had broken the Machine Gunner player’s defense that it dealt this sort of damage.

The high damage that could be considered crazy, as well as the energy shield that usually only belonged to manipulators, made the Scout player subconsciously think about this.

“Even if he were that Sniper, I don’t think he’ll be able to one-shot me!” The bearded Heavy Armor Warrior had already raised his shield and was charging towards Feng Luo, noticing the damage Feng Luo dealt.

He was a Heavy Armor Warrior who possessed a top-class A-grade defensive combat talent. His talent granted him extra damage reduction bonuses when he was moving.

One of the other two Heavy Armor Warriors charged towards the female gunner “player” while the other charged towards Onishi, who was already in front of him.

Roaring Dragon Mercenary Group stationed three Machine Gunners and three Heavy Armor Warriors at the entrance of the tunnel. The offense and defense setup would have been invincible, had the three Machine Gunners not been defeated at the very beginning by Feng Luo’s group.

Even after the three Machine Gunners have been killed, the group did not panic, though they were quite shocked.

They were among the best elite players of Roaring Dragon Mercenary Group. Every player was a veteran with an abundance of battle experience. Additionally, each of them was considered among the best in Silvermoon City.

Even though Feng Luo and the female gunner “player” had crazy over-the-top damage and were suspicious of having Legendary Grade weapons, the group was shocked but did not panic.

It was even fair to say that they still believed that they had a better chance of achieving victory.

Though they had lost four, they still had six players left. Three Heavy Armor Warriors, one Scout, and two Manipulators. Whether it was a tank or a damage dealer, they still had a good group.

The enemy, on the other hand, only had four players. Among the four, three were gunners.

No matter how high a gunner’s damage, even if they were to have Legendary Grade guns, they would still have low HP and lacked melee combat abilities.

Once they were closed in by the high HP Heavy Armor Warriors who also had a bunch of control skills and damage reduction abilities, victory would easily be decided.

“Stop everything!” A Heavy Armor Warrior roared, his shield already swinging towards Onishi, who had just reached in front of him.

Onishi did not speak, his body instantly accelerated as he became a black afterimage that brushed past the Heavy Armor Warrior’s shield.

After bypassing the Heavy Armor Warrior’s block, Onishi side-stepped and ignored the Manipulator who had already activated his shield; instead turning towards the Scout player who had been pursuing and shooting at him.

More precisely, Onishi’s initial target was never the two Manipulators. Instead, he was targeting the player who had the same profession as him, the one without a disgusting shield.

As for the Heavy Armor Warrior attempting to attack Onishi, his attack was dodged by the Number One Expert of North City. While the other Heavy Armor Warrior who was charging at the female gunner “player,” Phoenix did not let the chance slide and used that gap to rush in front of a Fire Manipulator player with an active energy shield who was casting a skill with his energy converter.


The red Rare Grade alloy longsword was covered in a layer of flowing red light. Lending strength from her charge, she swung the sword with both her hands and cut towards the red Expert Level energy shield that seemed to be covered in flowing flame. The collision of the sword and the shield created a magnificent scene as if two balls of flame colliding together.


The sound of eggshells cracking, only a hundred times louder, could be heard as the Fire Manipulator’s freshly activated energy shield cracked and crumbled.

One skill from Phoenix was enough to destroy the Expert Level energy shield of a Manipulator with a full set of Rare Grade equipment.

If the situation was different, the chance of her achieving this again would be much lower. The situation right now was within Feng Luo and the others’ expectations. josei

Similar to Big Pineapple, Phoenix’s passcode chest had B-grade potions. Unlike Big Pineapple, who received mostly defensive potions, apart from two nano recovery liquid injections, the rest of Phoenix’s potions were attack potions.

With the bonus granted by the B-grade potions, her attack had increased by at least 50%.

The moment the shield was broken, the Manipulator who did not have any melee combat skills could not last more than five seconds against a Light Armor Warrior who was either just as strong or far stronger than him.

“Kid! I don’t know what your objective is, but since you’re brave enough to mess with us, Roaring Dragon Mercenary Group, I, Grizzly Bear, will make sure you pay the price!” The moment Phoenix’s sword broke the shield, the bearded Heavy Armor Warrior had reached right in front of Feng Luo’ swinging his alloy shield swung towards him as he roared.

The angle he swung his shield at was very tricky. It created an angle before his body equipped with the heavy armor and slammed Feng Luo toward the sidewall.

Though gunners were fast, in front of a warrior under the effects of the skill Charge, it was insufficient.

As such, the player called Grizzly Bear spoke arrogantly.


The shield, accompanied by the momentum of the swing and the strength of the shield bash, slammed into the wall, deforming the full-metal wall as a huge bang was heard.

However, no one was slammed into the wall.

“What?” The bearded Heavy Armor Warrior, Grizzly Bear, who was very confident looked in shock as he discovered that his shield did not hit a human body.


An instant later, he felt a strong impact on his back, and could not help but stagger forward.


The sound of metal piercing through something could be heard as a cold and sharp item slashed open the back of his heavy alloy armor as the sound of metal being ripped open was heard. The cut was deep enough to even pierce into his flesh, towards the location of his heart.


A red Fatal Damage number of over 3,000 appeared in his vision. This was the damage of the military knife that was already halved after piercing through his heavy alloy armor.

In the first round of the fight against the Sniper, he had already lost one-fourth of his HP. The worst part was when he heard the system alerting him that the intelligent chip of his chest armor being damaged.

“F*ck! What is that weapon? How is it possible that it pierced through my battle armor with a defense coefficient of C+? Not only does he have a Legendary Grade sniper rifle, but he also has a Legendary Grade melee weapon!”

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