Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 621

Chapter 621

Chapter 621

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 621 The Wolf Pup

Sylvia’s POV:

Flora and I were worried about the wolf pup, so we hurriedly took it to the hospital.

I realized why Rin had left the wolf pup here. It was too weak and couldn’t survive in the wild in such a condition. Rin trusted me and hoped I could save her child.

Flora and I sat outside the examination room, waiting for the result. We were chatting and soon got to talking about Warren.

“What are you going to do with Warren?” I asked. The two seemed to get along with each other. Warren was still taking care of Flora as before. It looked like the two had gone back to how they were.

Flora pouted. “I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m going to let nature take its course.”

I wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. “Look, you can’t hide it for too long. Even if you don’t tell him the truth, he will find out when your belly gets bigger.”

“Let’s wait until then. I’ve thought about it. He is the father of my child. That wouldn’t change even if I don’t tell him now about the pregnancy.” Flora shrugged nonchalantly.

Just then, the doctor walked out with the little wolf pup in his arms. Flora and I hurriedly sprang up to our feet and strutted toward him.

“Well, the condition of the pup’s hind legs is irreversible,” the doctor said, letting out a weary sigh. “We will have to amputate the legs and replace them with artificial limbs.”

“Does the surgery involve any risks?” I was a little worried. After all, the wolf pup was still young.

“Well, we can’t perform the surgery for the time being. The wolf pup is still young and malnourished to endure the procedure. It has to stay in the incubator for a few weeks until we revive its health with the aid of nutrient injection,” the doctor said as he handed the little wolf pup to us.

I kissed it lovingly and decided to name it Ian.

Ultimately, we left the pup in the hospital with a heavy heart. Flora and I had dinner together. Then, I went to see Rufus.

When I arrived at his palace, Rufus was still in his study, handling political affairs with councilors. I estimated he would be there for a long time. Since Rufus hadn’t eaten anything yet, I decided to go to the kitchen and cook his favorite dishes.

I made three dishes: spaghetti with Bolognese sauce, roasted vegetables, and beef stew with carrots. I also fried pumpkin balls for snacks.

However, it still felt incomplete. Therefore, I started making creme brulee. Although Rufus didn’t like sweets, I thought he wouldn’t mind having dessert with minimal sugar.

By the time dinner was ready, Rufus came downstairs with the councilors.

I greeted them with a warm smile and gave the creme brulee to the councilors. “Try it. It’s not bad.”

They took the dessert in awe. “Thank you, Miss Todd.” “You can leave now. We’ll talk about it later,” Rufus announced.


After the councilors left, Rufus held me in his arms and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. “Smells like Bolognese sauce,” he exclaimed, sniffing my ear.

Rufus possessed an extraordinary sense of smell. I giggled and pushed him to the dining table. “I made dinner for you.”

Rufus sat down, grinning excitedly. “You said you wouldn’t come tonight.”

“I missed you.” I kissed his cheek and settled on the opposite chair as I picked up the food to serve him. During dinner, I told him about the wolf pup.

Rufus looked at me and suggested we raise the wolf pup as our child.

Excitement bubbled up in my heart. I grabbed his free hand and kissed it over and over again. “You’re the best, Rufus!”

Rufus chuckled, shaking his head. “You look so happy. How about we bring Rin home as well?”

“No. Rin belongs to the wild. We can’t deprive her of her freedom,” I said.

Rufus nodded in understanding. He emptied the entire bowl of spaghetti in a few seconds.

I propped my chin on the palm of my hand and watched him eat. My heart fluttered with satisfaction. I hoped for him to eat the food I cooked every day.

“If it works and Blair wakes up, it means the curse on you can also be removed.” I was referring to the potted plant. I was both nervous and excited about the result. My heart overflowed with maternal love when I held the wolf pup in my hand. If the curse on Rufus could be removed, we could also have our own children in the future.

Rufus understood what I was thinking. “Do you really want that badly to have a baby with me?” he asked, grinning mischievously.

“Of course not! Don’t be absurd!” I let go of his hand as my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

However, compared to the full moon curse, I was more worried about the blackthorns on Rufus’ back. An eerie feeling settled in the pit of my stomach whenever I thought of it.


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