Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 622

Chapter 622

Chapter 622

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 622 Blair Woke Up

Sylvia’s POV:

A week later, Blair woke up.

I rushed to the hospital as soon as I received the news. Seeing Blair sitting on the bed and smiling at me, I was so elated that tears of joy welled up in my eyes. I felt like a weight was finally lifted off my shoulder.

Blair, who was lounging on the bed, jokingly said to Rufus, “Hey, did you see that? Your mate shed tears for me!”

Rufus punched him lightly. “Just keep your mouth shut, will you?”

Blair reacted dramatically. He clutched his chest as if he was gravely hurt. “Hey, watch the chest muscles, bro! I’m still counting on them to impress the girls.”

Rufus smirked, his arms crossed across his chest, and eyed Blair coldly. “Don’t be ridiculous. Your muscles have already atrophied after you lying in bed for two whole months. You’re just weak.”

As I watched their interaction, I almost burst out laughing. Although they both always behaved in a dignified and serious manner in front of others, they bickered like children in private.

But that was a good thing. Although Rufus didn’t reveal anything in his expression, I knew he was actually overjoyed as he was speaking much more than usual. Blair was his best friend. During the time he was in a coma, I had often noticed Rufus drinking alone on the balcony, his face lined with worry for his friend.

Now that Blair was awake, he could finally relax. Rufus patted the empty seat on the sofa next to him, gesturing for me to sit.

I sat there quietly and listened to Rufus tell Blair about everything that had gone down in these past two months. Blair clicked his tongue and sighed, “Sure enough, you couldn’t do anything well without me.”

Rufus snorted and arrogantly said, “You indeed make a good mascot to cheer us up.”

Blair rolled his eyes, unbothered about his image. “Is it so difficult for you to admit that you need me?”

Rufus glanced at him crossly and pulled me closer to him. “I’m sorry, but I only need my mate.”

I automatically blushed. Pushing him away, I asked, “What are you talking about?”

“I’ve only spoken the truth.” Rufus probably thought his words were not enough to convince me, so he lowered his head and kissed me on the forehead to show off to Blair.

Goosebumps sprung up all over Blair’s b*ody and he exclaimed, “Help! I’ve just woken up and you two are forcing me to watch your display of affection. Please spare me.”

Rufus ignored him and stood up with his arm still around me. “To be on the safe side, I’d better call the doctor in to give you a thorough check-up.”

“No. I’m fine. I’m just too traumatized, because I was exposed to your public display of love.” Blair flopped down on the bed like he didn’t have a care in the world anymore.

With an annoyed expression, Rufus pulled up the quilt and covered Blair with it. “Well, cut the crap. You’re going to have this thorough check-up, whether you like it or not.”

Rufus and I accompanied him to get a physical examination again. After receiving the doctor’s confirmation that he was fine, we went through the discharge formalities.

Before leaving the hospital, the three of us had a discussion and decided to tell other people that Blair had just returned from his vacation.

We wanted to keep a low profile. So, we didn’t ask a driver to pick us up and walked back instead. Fortunately, the Royal Hospital was only a short distance from the imperial palace.

I followed Rufus and Blair, carefully cradling the potted plant in my hands, afraid that it would get damaged. When we returned to Rufus’ place, I would place it on his bedside table. With this plant, it wouldn’t be long before the curse on him was lifted.

My heart soared with happiness as I thought of this.

Rufus answered a phone call at that moment. He had to deal with an urgent matter and took his leave, leaving Blair and me alone.

“Let’s go, Mr. Joshua. I’ll escort you home safely in Rufus ‘ stead,” I approached him and said with a smile.

He looked at me with an amused grin. “Remember when we first met? You never called me Mr. Joshua or even by my name. You were really on your guard against me.”

My mind flashed to the memory of the first time we met, as if it was only yesterday.

I said with a sigh, “If it weren’t for your advice, I might not have been able to p@ssthe placement test.”

Blair smiled and stayed quiet. He continued walking with me. On the way, he suddenly said, “At that time, even if Rufus hadn’t asked me to assist you, you would still have caught my eye and I’d have helped you. Because when the group of students ganged up against you at the school gate and you fought back fiercely, I had already noticed you and was attracted to you.”


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