Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 629

Chapter 629

Chapter 629

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 629 The Unbearable Truth

Rufus’ POV:

My father hesitated. “It’s a long story,” he stammered, not daring to look at my mother.

“Then make it short! Why is there a curse on Rufus, and why has it lasted all these years? And the worst part is, I had no clue about it,” my mother snapped.

My father secretly winked at me, silently begging me to help. My mother shook off my father’s hand and turned to look at me. “Rufus, tell me. Are you really cursed?”

She tried her best to keep calm, but her hands were trembling.

I wanted to say something to distract her. That was how we’d been dealing with her all these years. But seeing her anxious and devastated look, I could no longer lie. In the end, I acquiesced.

Mother staggered backward, almost as if she couldn’t bear the weight of the truth. My heart leaped out to her. Fortunately, Sylvia held her in time.

“What the hell is going on? Why didn’t you tell me that you are cursed?” she asked in a tremulous voice. Her face turned pale. She held Sylvia’s hand to support herself.

My heart sank, and I didn’t know where to begin. We had been hiding the truth from her because we knew she wouldn’t stand it.

We had thought we could somehow find a way to remove the curse soon, and so there was no need to worry her. That way, it didn’t matter even if she knew about it later, since I would be fine by then and we

just had to patiently explain everything to her. But, to my utter dismay, things had gotten out of control.

Finally, my father stood up and broke the silence. “It’s all my fault. I was the reason for the curse on Rufus.”

“You?” My mother turned around and glared at her husband as she staggered toward him.

Knowing it was impossible to hide the truth anymore, he smiled bitterly and told everything to her. My mother’s face reddened with rage when she heard I was cursed because of my father’s affair. Before I knew it, she slapped right across his face.

I was taken aback and wanted to stop her. However, my father waved his hand, gesturing for me to remain calm. My mother was still angry. She slapped my father over and over again. “Have you forgotten your promise to me? You said whatever happened outside the imperial palace stayed out there. But look at what you have done! You not only had an affair but also got Rufus cursed. And worst of all, you’ve been hiding it from me all these years! He’s our only son, Ethan! What the hell were you thinking?”

My father dropped his gaze to the floor guiltily without uttering a word.

“So, you took him back because you knew Rufus couldn’t have a child,” she said, pointing at Richard, who was standing in a corner. “So, you placed your hope on this bastard, didn’t you?”

Richard’s face darkened at the word ‘Bastard’. He opened his mouth to say something, but my mother’s vicious glare shut him up.

My mother didn’t stop there. “So, you’ve given up on our son, right?” she demanded, her voice hoarse because of the emotional outburst. “Answer me, Ethan! You had never been a coward. Why aren’t you

answering such a simple question? You weren’t so compliant when you brought Richard back. Why don’t you admit it now?”

My father stood in front of his wife like a withered old tree. He didn’t have the courage to answer her questions. I didn’t want to put him in an embarrassing situation. Just as I was about to help, my mother spoke again, “Say something, Ethan. I want to hear the answer from you. Are you giving up on Rufus? Are you going to abandon our son?”

My father’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Yes. I brought Richard back so I can have an heir.” He sighed. “I had no choice.”

My mother’s eyes widened when she heard that. Her legs gave away, and she fainted.


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