Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 630

Chapter 630

Chapter 630

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 630 The Queen Fainted

Rufus’ POV:

My father and I waited anxiously while the doctor checked on my mother.

Her fainting had given us all a fright. My father in particular felt very guilty and kept sighing. His old disease, which he had already overcome before, recurred. I tried to comfort him in an effort to calm him down. I didn’t want to see both him and my mother fall.

Sylvia knew what I was thinking and tried to help. She poured a glassof water for my father when he started to cough violently.

Fortunately, after drinking the entire glass, he stopped coughing. Looking at Richard, who was motionless and silent in the corner, he said crossly, “You go back to your place first. I’ll deal with you later. Don’t you dare do anything rash.”

Richard nodded silently and left, not wanting to provoke our father any further.

When the doctor had finished checking on my mother, he turned to my father and said, “The queen had a heart attack from intense anger. She should avoid getting emotionally stressed from now on. Besides, the queen hasn’t been in good health the past few years and just recovered from her previous illness. She really can’t afford to be stimulated again.”

I lowered my head guiltily. My mother’s health was in worse shape than I thought.

Soon, she woke up. We all huddled around her expectantly, but she turned her head away when seeing my father and said coldly, “Get out. I don’t want to see you.”

My father stood beside the bed awkwardly. “Laura…”

She snorted and ignored him. I sighed and pulled my father aside. “Father, you go deal with the issue on the Internet first. And for the sake of Mother’s health, please don’t anger her in the near future.”

“Okay, fine. You stay here and take care of your mother. Call me if you need anything.” My father lowered his head and sighed heavily. Shooting his wife one last sorrowful glance, he left dejectedly.

Sylvia came over and tugged at my sleeve. “I’ll wait for you outside,” she whispered. “Call me if you need any help.”

“Okay.” I nodded, touched her cheek, and sent her out of the room.

When I came back, my mother had already sat up and was leaning against the headboard.

I was a little nervous. She always had high expectations of me. Although we had been alienated from each other for so many years, I couldn’t stand to see her disappointed expression.

After hesitating for a while, I sat down at the edge of the bed and asked softly, “Mother, how are you feeling?”

She looked up at me blankly, and then suddenly burst into tears. She threw her arms around me, ch*oked with sobs. “Rufus, I’m so sorry.”

My hands went limp. I didn’t know how to react.

It was the first time I had seen my mother cry so openly since I was a child. In my eyes, she had always been a stubborn she-wolf with a strong will. To her, tears were always a sign of weakness. Thus, she never showed her fragile side in front of the younger generations. No matter how sad she was, she never shed tears.

But now, her tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably and seeped into my shirt as she hugged me. “You must have suffered a lot over the years. I had no idea. This is all my fault. I didn’t protect you well enough. How I wish I could bear this damned curse for you!”

I was stunned. Suddenly, I felt a lump in my throat.

I had thought that my mother would be angry and perhaps even disappointed that I didn’t live up to her expectations. But I had never expected this reaction from her.

Her guilt made me feel even worse.


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