Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 652

Chapter 652

Chapter 652

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 652 Blair Was Set Up

Sylvia’s POV:

Blair and I were both surprised to see each other. After all, only something important could make someone get out of their cozy quilt this early in the morning.

That, and the power of love would make those like Warren and I do it. I chatted with Blair for a few moments. When I discovered that Rufus had called him, we went in together.

Rufus greeted me with surprise when he opened the door. “Sylvia? What are you doing here?”

“I was worried about you, so I came here to check on you,” I replied as I handed him breakfast.

He slung his arm around my shoulder and asked Blair to come in.

Rufus had stayed up all night and looked a little weary. After taking a few sips of the coffee I had brought him, he said in a low voice, “I’d asked my men to check Richard’s phone. He had indeed been contacted from an unknown IP address. This unknown culprit goaded Richard and stated in very clear terms that the plant could lift the curse.”

“So someone else manipulated Richard?” I was a little taken aback. I had assumed that this was entirely Richard’s idea. I hadn’t expected him to just be a tool. But it was understandable. It was difficult for an ignorant man like him to figure out something so complex.

Blair’s face darkened. “Only those close to us could know the situation in such detail.”

Rufus shook his head and put forth another opinion. “Very few of us knew that the plant could lift the curse. Even if someone had this knowledge, it was difficult for them to pinpoint the exact time the plant would be effective. However, this mysterious person had given Richard a specific time. So, not only did they know about the curse, but they also had an understanding of the principles of removing the curse.”

Noreen’s name popped into my mind.

“Was it Noreen?” Blair blurted out my hypothesis.

Rufus smiled, neither confirming nor denying Blair’s speculation. “Later, I asked the hackers to decipher the IP address. They finally traced it back to your phone.”

After speaking the last word, Rufus fixed his gaze on Blair. I was stunned and my eyes flew to Blair.

“What?” Blair didn’t look like he was expecting this revelation. With a confounded expression, he asked, “You… you mean my phone? How could it be f*cking possible?”

He cursed and fished out his phone from his pocket. “sh*t! Did someone install some malware on it? I’m so cursed.”

“You shouldn’t use your phone now.” Rufus didn’t suspect Blair even remotely and handed him a new phone.

Blair clutched the new phone in his hand and exclaimed, “Who was it? How could someone be powerful enough to plot against me? Did they do this when I was in a coma?”

“I doubt it. The message was sent recently. You were already awake then.” I felt a chill skitter down my spine as well. The culprit was capable enough to not only set Blair up, but also leave behind no clues for Rufus to find. “First of all, we can rule out Richard. He is too stupid to pull the strings,” I rubbed my chin and analyzed seriously.

Flora and my other friends could also be ruled out, and it couldn’t be Ethan or Laura either. That left only one possibility.

“It was Noreen.” Rufus said the name without any hesitation.

“And she might have already sneaked into the imperial palace.” Rufus and I glanced at each other with tacit understanding, both our stomachs churning with uneasiness.

Black witches were masters at disguising themselves. If Noreen hid in the crowd, no one would detect her. That implied that anyone in the palace right now could be Noreen.

I had a hunch that she was planning something big.


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