Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 653 Who Was the Disguised

Sylvia’s POV:

“So, we have to be on our guard from now on. Noreen might attack anyone,” Rufus warned.

I nodded. “I’ll alert Flora and the others later.”

Blair sighed, looking exhausted. “Damn Noreen! Why can’t she stop creating trouble for just a few days?”

“She is not going to stop any time soon, unless she…” Rufus paused and shot us both a meaningful glance. “Is K*lled.”

Blair’s spirits sunk further after hearing this. “In that case, it looks like our only course of action is to accept defeat. Noreen is so cunning and mysterious. K*lling her is extremely difficult.”

“Don’t be afraid. Since we know she wants to set a trap for us, we can beat her at her own game. The worst that can happen is that both sides suffer losses,” Rufus commented disapprovingly as he leaned against the sofa. “All right. I know you will take care of everything. I’m not going to worry about it. Now I’m going back to get my beauty sleep.”

Blair stood up and stretched, behaving glibly. Rufus aimed a gentle kick at his ass.

“You can go now. Remember to come back to the army this afternoon, so you won’t have time to bother me every day. As it is, you have taken a long enough leave.”

“Yeah, I know.” Blair waved his hand and turned to Rufus. “Bye.”

I was watching Blair’s back in a trance, when I spotted a black bug crawling on his ankle again. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but it disappeared.

Was it a hallucination? It seemed that my mental state had deteriorated considerably in the past few days. When Blair reached the door, he stopped. With his hand on the door’s handle, he turned around and asked, “Is Sylvia leaving too?”

“My mate will stay with me.” Rufus pulled me into his arms and glared at Blair defiantly. Blair snorted and shut the door. I didn’t snap back to reality until he left.

Rufus stroked my hair and said, “You didn’t come here so early to just check on me, did you? What’s the matter? Tell me.”

I met his eyes in surprise. “How did you know something else was on my mind?”

Rufus chuckled and pinched my cheek with his slender fingers. “If I can’t see when something is bothering you, I would be a fool. Your thoughts are written all over your face, and it’s difficult to not read them.”

I snuggled into his arms with a shy smile and told him my intention seriously.

He hesitated for a moment and asked, “Could it really be your delusion?”

“Let’s test my theory out and we’ll know the answer. Come on!” As I spoke, I picked up a fruit knife from the table and prepared to cut my finger to get some of my blood.

Rufus had no choice but to agree. However, he didn’t allow me to use the knife.

He swiftly tugged me into his arms and kissed me deeply. While I was lost in his kiss, his teeth gently pierced my lower lip. The skin broke and a small drop of blood spilled over. Rufus gently licked the

wound on my lip until the bleeding stopped.

“It’s done,” Rufus said softly as he pulled away from my lips. I opened my eyes in a daze and touched my red swollen lips. Would it work?

“Should I take my clothes off next?” Rufus casually tugged his slightly loose tie, giving me a sultry look. I gulped. If I didn’t have an important task to focus on, I would have instantly pounced on him.

“You don’t need to Str!p. I just need to lift your shirt and check.”

I didn’t let him do anything. I lifted one side of his shirt to examine him. The black thorn remained the same.

“Is it because one drop of blood was not enough?” I muttered. Just as I was about to ask Rufus to drink more of my blood, I saw the black thorn slowly grow in front of my eyes. novelbin

I was definitely not hallucinating.


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