Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 683

Chapter 683: Enter the inner wall (1)

Taking a glance at his subordinates, Zhen Jian found from their eyes that the awe of his subordinates was weakening. This was beyond his tolerance, and he became angry and angry.

"Xiao Yan, let's die!"

"Imperial Jiujian, fifth style!"

Zhen Jian's neck was violently beaten. He changed his sword from one hand to a sword with both hands. He jumped into the air and lifted the sword to heaven.

Jin Guang shot from the sword of Hao, as if thunder and lightning were generally intertwined in the air, and the sword swelled sharply on the blade. In a blink of an eye, Hao Jian had changed from a long sword to a giant sword, setting off a roaring wind. Cut to Xiao Yan.

This sword is simplified, fancy ghosts are removed, unnecessary movements are abandoned, and kendo is restored to the original; this sword has the sword air compressed to the extreme, and the sword horn is as solid as a sword edge.

"This is the strongest form you have mastered? Very good!" Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with militant excitement, his anger suddenly burst, and his body quickly rushed to Zhen Jian. "Then you can take my strongest fighting skills to see. "

"Thousand feet without shadow!"

In a hurry, the endless stream of shaman dances around Xiao Yan, splitting out numerous hidden cracks in the space, which made people dazzled and frightened.

"His fighting skills are so good!"

Someone on Zhen Jian was exclaiming.

"Well, I didn't expect that the Xiao Xiao people in a remote state could develop such a genius!"

"What about genius? The master used it, but the fifth style of the‘ Huangji Nine Swords ’was a world-breaking sword. How could he handle it?”

"That is, he dared to disperse the ruler to attack."

"Well, it's a small family. How can it be a young master's opponent without everyone's instructions."


But at the moment when everyone's voice had just fallen, Xiao Yan's momentum was accumulated to the extreme between his beards, his hand trembled slightly before his chest, and the endless ruler's shadow suddenly merged into one!

With this foot, the mighty Jin Jian met Zhen Jian with immense power.

What will happen?

Everyone held their breath, raised their hearts to their throats, and stared at the scene without blinking.

With a bang, the ruler and sword have not yet touched, and the two forces have hit each other.

The crowd just felt the strong vibrations on the ground under their feet, and before the swinging figure had time to control the balance, they saw Zhen Jian's giant sword golden light bursting in Xiao Yan's "break", the sword's qi returned to illusory, and then a wolverine figure fell He flew out and hit the cliff heavily, embedded in it.


The people on Zhen Jian's side all opened their mouths, staring blankly at all this. They couldn't believe the end of the war. Then he rubbed his eyes vigorously and saw Xiao Yan in a black shirt standing there smartly, only to find that it was not an illusion at all.

"Master ..."

Dozens of guards exclaimed, spreading their bodies and rushing to Zhen Jian, who was deeply embedded in the cliff.

"Give me away!"

In a roar screaming from the back of his throat, Zhen Jian struggled from the cliff, his arm trembled, and he threw away his subordinates who came to help.

At this time, Zhen Jian's image of a white coat winning snow and a personable person had disappeared. His clothes were so ragged that there were only a few fragments hanging on the scorched body. Although the blood stains were not deep, they spread all over the body, looking embarrassed. . He looked at Xiao Yan with **** eyes, his teeth biting "quack", the flame of anger burning frantically in his chest.

The crowd was scolded by Zhen Jian, and he did not dare to touch his anger again, but he did not dare to stay away. He had to look around Zhen Jian to carefully examine Zhen Jian's injuries. Seeing that his injuries looked very serious, but did not hurt his bones. Only at the bottom of my heart, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"This Xiao Yan can break the fifth form of the master's 'Huang Ji Nine Swords' by one stroke and fly it. How could it only cause such a minor injury?" Seeing Zhen Jian's lifeless danger, everyone calmed down and thought Immediately, his heart rose suddenly, "It must be Xiao Yan's mercy."

The thought trembled in everyone's mind. You know, this is not an end-to-end test. Zhen Jian had an idea of ​​killing Xiao Yan from the beginning. With the best efforts of a peerless genius, he could control his shot strength. This only shows that Xiao Yan's strength is far away. Zhen Jian!

God, it's much stronger than the peerless genius. What kind of strength is that? When everyone looked at Xiao Yan again, their eyes were already full of deep fear, remembering their ridicule and sarcasm against Xiao Yan at first, they couldn't help but sweat, and bowed their heads under Xiao Yan's look around.

With Long Kuo's mouth cornered, the smile on his face became brighter; Jing Deng couldn't help clapping his hands, and the applause seemed particularly loud on a quiet mountain road.

Stimulated by applause, Zhen Jian could no longer suppress the shame in her heart, her eyebrows were splayed up, and blue veins flared up on both sides of her forehead.

Wiping off the blood from the corner of the mouth, spit out the blood in the mouth, Zhen Jian looked gloomily at Xiao Yan, his voice from low to high, and growled gradually: "How is it possible? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Xiao Yan , You must have taken any elixir that can greatly enhance your strength in an instant! Is it not? "

Listening to Zhen Jian's words, Xiao Yan wanted to laugh in his heart, and said, "Joke, I need to deal with you like this. Little Master, I still need to rely on elixir? Little Master, I already have the strength to fight the Five-Star Peak Fighter. After breaking through to the top of the four stars, the ruler's fighting skill 'Thousand Feet Without Shadow' was practiced to 777 feet, and coupled with the power of the soul to reach the semi-conscious level, even if I face the early stages of the six stars In the mid-six-strength period of strength, we have the confidence to compete with it. "

"Furthermore, after a few temptations in front of 'Huang Ji Nine Swords', the grade of 'Huang Ji Nine Swords' and 'Qian Chi Wu Ying' is between Bozhong, if you can practice 'Huang Ji Nine Swords', In the seventh style, you may have a fight with me, but you only practiced the fifth style. How can you be my opponent? "

Looking at Zhen Jian, who was completely out of character, Xiao Yan's disdain was stronger. He pointed at Zhen Jian coldly and said, "Here you are, you still want to be the successor of the human race leader? If you are not as good as a person, you will have a chaotic heart like crazy dog Ordinary blood spurts people. With such a mentality, no matter how talented they are, they are not worthy of the word 'peerless genius'! "

Xiao Yan then shook his head: "In fact, it's difficult to make a name under the prestige. You just have a false name."

Xiao Yan's words were inserted into Zhen Jian's heart like a sharp knife, and he also turned around fiercely; like a heavy slap fan on Zhen Jian's face, he fanned out the few faces of Zhen Jian.

Zhen Jian only felt the hotness on his face. He stood there silently, "skills are not as good as people", "unnamed" and so on alternately echoed in his mind.

I think he started practicing sword at the age of five. At the age of ten, he began to learn swordsmanship. He was hailed as the rare genius of the Zhen family for thousands of years, and even the owner himself gave instructions. Unexpectedly, he was immersed in the practice of "The Emperor's Nine Swords" for tens of thousands of years, and finally lost in the hands of a young emperor who had not come to the Emperor's mainland for many years. The most hateful thing was that he was extremely despised. A member of the Zhen family.

Zhen Jian became more and more difficult to let go. His face turned red, and then turned blue. Suddenly, he looked up fiercely from his eyes, and suddenly shouted hysterically: "Xiao Yan, do you think you won? You are wrong Master Ben has a trick, you must die today! "

Xiao Yan did not expect Zhen Jian to be so ignorant. He smiled contemptuously, and his disgust was more intense. But when thinking of Zhen Ni's instructions, Xiao Yan had to press down and kill quickly, then slowly said, "Among the few geniuses I have encountered, you are the most unbearable. Look on Zhen Ni's face , I won't kill you today, please do it. "

Having said that, Xiao Yan stopped paying attention to Zhen Jian and waved his hands to Long Ye and Jingdu to leave.

Xiao Yan's disregard deeply stimulated Zhen Jian's self-esteem, which made Zhen Jian completely lose his mind. Zhen Jian hately squeezed out seven irritable words from his teeth— "Huangji Nine Swords, sixth form! "

"Master! Never!"

The guards around Zhen Jian immediately discouraged, his face was full of anxiety.

They all know that Zhen Jian only fully mastered the first five styles of the "Huangji Nine Swords". Although the threshold of the sixth style has been seen, it is still ten thousand miles away from truly mastering the sixth style. If the sixth form is forcibly exercised, an improper grasp will most likely be backfired by the fighting technique, and the consequences will be disastrous. If something happens to Zhen Jian, none of them can escape the blame for ineffective protection of the Lord, how can they not be in a hurry?

Unfortunately, extreme anger has made Zhen Jian lose his mind. At this time, he only had one thought in his mind, which was to kill Xiao Yan no matter how much he paid. Because only by killing Xiao Yan can all the shame be washed away.

As soon as Zhen Jian waved his hand, Hao Jian inserted in the cliff wall flew out of the cliff wall like a lightning strike on Zhen Jian's hand. Zhen Jian held the sword with both hands. Don't spur his anger into the sword. Suddenly, the sword is like frost. The cold energy fluctuation seems to destroy everything. The whole space starts to tremble and twist ...

However, Zhen Jian couldn't control the huge power of the sixth type. His hands were shaking violently, blood beads continued to seep from the pores of the whole body, and his body was dyed red. The whole person was like an evil spirit crawling out of hell. terror.

"Master, hurry up and stop, you can't bear the backlash of this sword, it will be life-threatening!"

Many guards on the side of Zhen Jian saw that the situation was not good, so he couldn't take care of that much anymore, rushed to stop in front of Zhen Jian, hoping to make Zhen Jian awake.

"Get away from me all!"

The severe pain tears every inch of Zhen Jian's skin, and Zhen Jian's face has been distorted terribly. But instead of stopping, he waved his sword down.

In the roar of the sword, the mountain road was shattered, the rocks were rolled into the air, and then crushed by the destroying force, a group of fighting emperors could not resist it at all, and the blast of wind rolled by the sword gas swept away, revealing Not far from the front of the three Xiao Yan.

"So ignorant, then I'll do it for you!"

Feeling the attack of Jianqi, Xiao Yan shot a cold cold intention in his eyes.

Stepping, swinging the feet, Xiao Yan's movements were completed in one go. "Thousands of feet without shadow" has been waved again, and a huge coercion was crushed down like a mountain collapse.

The thick blue-gray flame on the thick ruler brought a hot fight, making the air faintly scorched, and immediately pressed the momentum of Zhen Jian's sixth style back.

The confrontation in this round still has no suspense. The sky fire smashed the ancient ruler to destroy Hao Jian's sword air with the tendency of destroying and deflecting, defeating Hao Jian's sword awn, and even shattered the layer of bright gold armor on Zhen Jian into a little bit. Golden light.

At this point, Zhen Jian had already opened the door, and Xiao Yan's weight would only have to be a few inches longer, and Zhen Jian would definitely splatter on the spot.

At this moment of life and death, in the horrified eyes of Zhen Jian's opponents, Xiao Yan's eyes jumped quickly, a moment of hesitation flashed in the depths of his eyes, and his left hand suddenly shot suddenly, hitting the weight At the wrist of the right hand of the ruler, and loosening his right hand at the same time, the sky fire smashed Zhen Jian's chest and flew out obliquely. He sank deep into the cliff and made a thunderous sound. The gravel was wrapped in sand and the scene was yellow. fog.

Everyone took a breath of air. If this heavy ruler hits Zhen Jian, Zhen Jian may not even leave slag.

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