Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 684

Chapter 684: Enter the inner wall (2)

Ke Rao was so. The aftermath of his heavy fighting was still blasting on Zhen Jian's chest, Zhen Jian was thrown away from afar, his mouth sprayed with blood, and he couldn't crawl on the ground.

First, forcibly performing the sixth type and being bitten by the fighting technique, and then hit by the aftermath of the heavy scale fighting spirit, Zhen Jian was seriously injured at this time. .

But what's the injury compared to the despair?

Although Zhen Jian did not master the sixth form of "Huangji Nine Swords" at all, what he just showed was the incomplete state of the sixth form. There is still a considerable gap from the real sixth form, but its power is far better than the fifth. Too many styles, Zhen Jian even saw the hope of defeating Xiao Yan again. However, Zhen Jian did not expect that he was defeated by Xiao Yan!

Zhen Jian's eyes were straight. He felt that the pride that belonged to him before was just a joke. At this time, he was desperate, and all his unwillingness turned into powerless despair.

I would like to ask, even the head of the family of the Zhen family that is not the same as the four-star peak fighting emperor of Zhen family who can't even look at it, how can it be worthy of the glory of "Peerless Genius"? How can there be a face to become the future successor of the Zhen family owner? Zhen Jian only felt that his heart, which he had worked hard for many years, was suddenly broken, and everything became meaningless. At this moment, the colorful picture of his life turned grey.

"Master, master, are you ... are you okay?"

The escorts of Zhen Jian's party couldn't wait to panic at all of this, and quickly surrounded them, and helped Zhen Jian to fill Zhen Zhen's mouth with high-grade elixir, and his eyes were full of worry.

Zhen Jian didn't appreciate it. He spit out the elixir and struggled to get up without looking at his subordinates or paying attention to Xiao Yan who was not far away, and walked towards the original road. However, due to the serious injuries, he only took a few steps and fell heavily to the ground, splashing a few dust.

But he supported his body with both hands, shook it a few times, and stood up again, and continued to move forward, and the whole man became vicissitudes at this moment.

A group of guards stared at Zhen Jian's back blankly, his eyes were more worried, but they didn't know what to do. It took a long time for a guard to think of something, and shouted to Zhen Jian, "Master, your Hao Jian hasn't got it yet!"

Zhen Jian turned a deaf ear, still staggering forward with empty eyes.

The guard froze, picked up Hao Jian from the ground, and chased it up, respectfully handing it to Zhen Jian— "Master, your sword."

"Ha ha ha ha." Zhen Jian did not reach out to pick up the sword. He laughed wildly in tears, and two lines of tears shed. "I was immersed in kendo since I was young, but today I have lost and defeated again. What other face can I admire this sword?"

"This ..." The guard dared to pick up the words, and had to watch the lost back of Zhen Jian gradually.

"Put away Hao Jian, and we'll catch up. If something happens to the young master, none of us can live."

Another guard, who seemed quite prestigious among the crowd, looked back at Xiao Yan with a complicated look, and waved his hand to lead the crowd to catch up.

The mountain road was quiet again, and the dust from the ground was dispersed in the air by the mountain breeze, putting a hint of depression in the evening sky.

Xiao Yan has been watching this scene silently, no one knows what he is thinking at this time.

"The thick murderous anger that erupted on you just scared me. I thought you would be a killer!" Jing Deng stepped up and patted Xiao Yan's shoulder, his eyes full of admiration, I can control my emotions in the fury, and I can also take care of myself in the battle of life and death. Brother Xiao, your calmness and subtle control of the fighting skills really admire me. "

"That Zhen Jian is too ignorant. He is obviously worse than others and still pushes against me again and again. I did have the urge to kill him just now." Xiao Yan said with a grimace. Zhen Jian still had better not kill. "

"However, although I did not kill him, he is no different from being abolished."

Xiao Yan's mouth smiled gradually.

"What do you mean?"

Although Zhen Jian suffered a minor injury, he has many subordinates' guards. As long as he takes some medicine to heal for some time, there will be no sequelae, so why not abandon it? Clean and puzzled, Long Jie was puzzled.

"I guessed from the look of Zhen Jian Luo Tuo just now." Xiao Yan frowned slightly. "Zhen Jian was regarded as a peerless genius in Zhen family because of his excellent talents. He has always been above the top, and has not experienced any setbacks. Such a person is polite and polite on the surface, but he must be arrogant and arrogant in his bones. It is difficult to accept failure, and it is even more difficult to accept failure in the hands of a person who has a great disparity with his status. "

"It can be said that today's defeat is definitely the greatest shame in his life. With his heart, this may become a shadow that he will never be able to cast away in his life. He is proud of his sword in his life, and he keeps making progress. The source of power is his roots for rapid advancement. Now that he has abandoned his sword, his heart has broken, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to make progress in Kendo in this life.

"Haha, this is the best. This is better than killing him!" Jing Wuchen gave thumbs up to Xiao Yan, but he soon thought that Xiao Yan might offend Zhen's family because of this, and could not help reminding him "But, Brother Xiao, after Zhen Jian was hit by this, he will surely hate it. I'm afraid I will specifically target you in the future. You have to guard against it."

"It's okay." Xiao Yan smiled indifferently. "He can't handle the hurdle by himself, who can blame him? If you are Zhen's owner, you think it's a waste for Zhen's family. Is Zhen Jian important, or is an affiliated family important? "

"It seems that I worry too much." Jing Wuchen took out two rolled leaves to ignite, gave Xiao Yan one, and took a beautiful breath.

Xiao Yan took the leaves and sighed, "Oh, I didn't expect that the halo on a genius' head is so simple from dazzling to bleak. It seems that talent is not the most important and tenacious on the road to fighting the emperor. Perseverance and a more frustrated mind are more important. "

"Huh." Jing Wuchen nodded his head a bit, and suddenly lowered his voice and asked, "You said that the soul shadow is definitely not nearby? Will you also see the scene where you conflict with Zhen Jian?"

"I don't know." Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed suddenly when referring to the headache guy of Hun Ying Jue. "If I can know the whereabouts of that bastard, I don't have to be cautious all the time."

Xiao Yan looked at the scarlet blood moon in the sky and thought for a while, and said, "However, I don't think he is very close at all. After all, he can only shield the detection of the power of the soul. There are many people hiding here just now. If he watches the battle at close range, he will be easily noticed, so I think he should not be in the vicinity. If I am a ghost, when I see Zhen Jian coming, I will be far away from everyone. Just watch it change, because the road ahead is broken, there is no need to worry about losing us.

"It makes sense." Jing Wuchen nodded at the same time as Long Yan, Jing Wuchen asked. "So, as you said, Soul Shadow must not suddenly launch a sneak attack on us for now?"josei

"Well, I don't think so. He's been attacking several times without success, knowing that we must have increased our vigilance. In addition, I defeated Zhen Jian just now, and he will definitely deter us from being more cautious."

"Then you said that he would think we were too tricky to give up?" Jing Wuchen asked Xiao Yan excitedly.

Hearing that, Xiao Yan was a little surprised, and then smiled bitterly: "You think about the good things! He won't give up, kill me, maybe his mission to enter the fantasy world. Before we let him miss many times, this is for him who never misses It's definitely a shame for God, so I guess he will get fewer and fewer shots in the future, but once he hits, he will be shocked! In other words, once we are attacked again, it will be more than before. Dangerous! "

"This soul shadow is really upsetting!"

Long had no air to vent his stomach, and indignantly pierced the lightning gun into the mountain.

Jing dust also threw the leaf on the ground, hating: "That is, knowing that he is hiding in a nearby dark place, but I can't find him, it's so boring."

Seeing the frustration of the two companions, Xiao Yan calmed down and encouraged morale: "Relax, when you get to the inner perimeter, there will always be a way to deal with him. Don't you have so little confidence in me? I still remember The treasure on him that shields the soul from detecting it. "

Xiao Yan's ridicule made Jing Wuchen and Long Yan feel a lot better at once. Jing Wuchen said angrily: "But we don't even know how to enter the inner circle!"

"You don't have to worry about this." Xiao Yan leaned lazily against the cliff wall and spit out a few beautiful smoke rings, and said after the smoke rings slowly dispersed, "So many people have gone in, we carefully Look out, you'll definitely find the entrance. Let's go. "

Coming to the end of the mountain road again, the clouds and mist still appeared below, and the greenness appeared, Xiao Yan and the three observed quietly.

Gradually, the night fell, and the blood moon in the sky seemed colder. Long Yan's eyes that flickered a little golden lightning from time to time began to feel a little irritable, and he couldn't help whispering: "I have been looking for a long time. Why can't I find the entrance? "

"Oh, it's only impatient for a while?" Xiao Yan watched and said, "We need to learn from the opponent's strengths. You see the soul shadow, in order to kill me, patience has followed us for so long Hey, do n’t show up, you have n’t grown a little in patience? ”

"When I think of the soul shadow, I'm like a thorn in my body. How can I have the patience to learn?" Jing Wuchen shook his mouth with the flying knife, disapproving.

Xiao Yan smiled and didn't speak again.

The night was getting darker, the wind was blowing, and the mountain road was more lonely.

Just as the net patience and the patience of Long Yan were about to run out, the white mist covering the shield below the mountain road suddenly tumbling and tumbling, slowly spreading to both sides, exposing the translucent shield. At the same time, the blood moon in the sky suddenly became brighter, a beam of light projected from the blood moon and just fell on the shield.

As soon as it is illuminated by a beam of light, the shield is like ice and snow encountering an open flame, quickly melting out a circular hole with a diameter of about five meters, in which the light is faint.

"Look and see!" Jing Deng jumped up joyfully, pointing at the round hole frantically, "This must be the entrance to the inner wall, it must be! Let's go in!"

"Don't worry." Xiao Yan reached out and blocked the clean and eager footsteps. He took a sip in the air, sucked a shield on the mountain road to his hand, and then his wrists trembled. Beam of light falls into a circular hole.

This time, the Buckler did not break into pieces like the spear before, but fell into the hole without any damage and fell down.

Jing Wuchen and Long Yan raised his ears and listened for a while, but did not hear any sound, it seems that there is a bottomless hole under the round hole.

"Should you go in?" Jing Wuchen asked Xiao Yan.

"Well, I just attached the power of the soul to the shield, and felt that there was a huge space below. Now the shield is still in mid-air and has not yet reached the ground."

Xiao Yan smiled, stepped forward, stood in the beam of blood moon, and fell towards the round hole.

"This beam of light does no harm to people, you can come down." Xiao Yan greeted Long Yan and Jingdu in the air.

The two immediately jumped into the beam of light.

The bodies of the three people just landed on the round hole of the shield, and the space around them was twisted. A mysterious force wrapped the three people into the round hole .....


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