Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006

In the span of two years, Henson shot up like a beanstalk, now standing even taller than Estelle. Given the Lamont family’s impressive genes, at just 12 years old, Henson was already a handsome and sunny lad!

“Huh, you still gonna hit me?” Henson snorted.

“No way!” Estelle quickly replied.

Henson gave a charming laugh, then said, “You haven’t changed a bit.”

“Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment!” Estelle laughed.

Henson scoffed, “Since when did you become so confident?”

Estelle picked up a tennis racket nearby and smacked him on the head, “Watch your mouth!”

“You’re my teacher and my uncle’s girlfriend, my bad.” Henson grinned.

Estelle’s smile froze a bit, “Alright, let’s get to class. Let me see that failed test of yours.”

“You better brace yourself, don’t get scared Henson dug out the test.

Estelle skimmed through the paper. Before Henson could speak, she smacked him on the head with the paper, “You did this on purpose, didn’t you? You knew how to do these problems two years ago!”

Henson rubbed his head, playing innocent, it’s been two years, my memory’s not that good. Can you remember what happened two days ago?”

Estelle gave him a cold smile

“Alright, Ms. Macclain!” Henson dragged her to a chair, The dumber 1 am, the more capable you seem. Let’s get class started!”

When class ended at eleven, Estelle started packing up to leave

“Stay for lunch” Henson suggested.

“No need to fuss.” Estelle smiled.

“It’s been so long, can’t even get you to stay for a meal! Henson grumbled.

“We can have lunch next time. I have a lunch date Estelle’s eyes were clear and sincere,

“Alright, you don’t have to explain. Off you go!” Henson said,

“See you tomorrow!”

Estelle waved, tumed, and walked out the door.

She came down from upstairs and froze. Jonathan was changing his slices in the foyer, seemingly ready to go out.

He was just getting ready to leave when she arrived, how come he was still here two hours later?

Fabian came over and politely said to Estelle. “Ms. Macclain, please stay for lunch

Estelle smiled, “Thanks, but no need.”

Fabian frowned slightly. “Well, that’s too bad. The driver is out running errands and hasn’t returned. Why don’t you stay for lunch, he should be back by then.” Estelle smiled and declined, “I can just take a taxi.”

“It’s not easy to get a taxi around here. Fabian quickly said.

Just as Fabian finished speaking, Jonathan, who had finished changing his shoes and was heading out, suddenly turned around, “I’ll give you a ride!”

“No need.” Estelle immediately refused

“Either stay for lunch and wait for the driver, or ride in my car Your choice?” He stared at her.


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