Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Estelle took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “Then, I’ll have to trouble Mr. Lamont to give me a lift home.”

Jonathan didn’t say anything, just turned around and walked out.

Estelle changed her shoes and followed him. When she went out, Jonathan’s car was already waiting outside, a familiar scene that threw Estelle for a loop.

In the car, the man in the driver’s seat spoke nonchalantly, “Come sit in the front.

Estelle frowned and replied. “I’m fine here.”

“You treating me like a chauffeur?” His tone was unreadable.

Estelle got out of the car and moved to the passenger seat. After she buckled her seatbelt, the man started the car and slowly pulled away from the Lamont family residence

Estelle stared out the window. The man was focused on driving. Neither of them spoke, as if they had nothing to say to each other.

Time was a creepy thing. It can tum two people who were once in love into strangers.

While waiting at a red light, Estelle’s phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and answered

“Babe, guess where I am?”

The excited voice of Manley came through the receiver. Even though Estelle didn’t have the speaker on, it sounded particularly clear inside the quiet car…

Estelle looked at the flashing red light and laughed, “You’re back?

“You sound so calm, you must not be excited at all. I’m upset! Manley sounded hurt. “I’ve missed you day and night, and rushed back as soon as I finished my business.”

Estelle chuckled and asked, “You’ve sorted everything out?”

“Why are you worried about that? I need you to worry about me!” Manley said assertively.

Suddenly, the car shot forward. Estelle was jolted against the seatback, only then realizing the light had turned green.

She instinctively looked at Jonathan. His face was as expressionless as ever but somehow, the inside of the car felt a bit colder.

“Babe, where are you?” Manley asked.

Tm out, heading home soon.”

“I just left the airport. Will be there in an hour. Wait for me, let’s have lunch together,” Manley said gently, Tve brought you lots of gifts.”

“Just get back first!”

After chatting for a while. Manley finally hung up.

Jonathan still looked as indifferent as ever, just staring ahead. The car was quiet again, eerily so. The atmosphere felt thin and unsettling.

After the car stopped outside Sunset Ridge, Estelle thanked him, and opened the door to get out

“Estelle!” Jonathan suddenly spoke.

Estelle paused, turned and looked at him.

Jonathan spoke lightly. “You don’t have to love me, but I must remind you, stay away from Manley!TM

Estelle replied calmly, “I think I made it clear the other day, my affairs have nothing to do with Mr. Lamont

“Nothing to do?” Jonathan said coldly, “Don’t forget, we’re still husband and wife by law

Estelle was taken aback She took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “You can file for divorce anytime. We have no property disputes and I’ll fully cooperate with whatever you need?

She thought he had already filed for divorce two years ago.

Jonathan suddenly laughed, a hint of anger in his voice, I unexpectedly got a wife, such a good thing happened to me, why would I want a divorce?


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