Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1019

Chapter 1019

Chapter 1019

When she returned, she bumped into Clarice outside the private dining room.

Clarice was holding a bottle of wine and said to Estelle, “This is some good stuff, Estelle. Let’s have a drink together!”.

Estelle stared at her, not responding.

Clarice, smiling, pushed the door open and purposely waited for Estelle to step out. Then, raising the wine bottle, she announced, “Estelle’s treating everyone to a drink. Let’s thank Estelle!”

Estelle turned to look at Clarice, who, looking triumphant, raised an eyebrow at Estelle.

Everyone turned to Estelle, surprised. “Estelle, you’re so generous! Did you make a lot of money recently?”

“Estelle, didn’t know you’re loaded!”

“Thanks, Estelle, this is my first time drinking such expensive wine!”

Estelle’s expression did not change. She merely nodded and smiled lightly. “This is my first time dining with everyone, I hope you all enjoy yourselves.”

The director stood up and said, “Estelle, isn’t this wine too expensive? We’re all friends here, no need for this!”

“It’s fine as long as everyone has a good time,” Estelle said, nodding and calmly returning to her seat.

Clarice excitedly called in the waiter to open the bottle and poured wine into everyones glasses.

Craig whispered to Estelle, “Are you nuts? Just casually opening a bottle of wine that costs hundreds of thousands? This isn’t your treat, why be so generous?”

“It wasn’t me who got it,” Estelle replied softly.

Craig was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened. “Did Clarice set you up?”

Estelle saw Gwen and Clarice exchange a glance. She thought to herself, this probably wasn’t Clarice’s idea.

This idiot, already been played once, still didn’t get it! If she kept hanging out with Gwen, she might be in danger!

“Is there something wrong with Clarice? Why is she always targeting you?” Craig said angrily, pulling out his phone. “I have 200k here, I’ll transfer it to you first. Use it to settle the bill later. If it’s not enough, I’ll borrow from my friends.”

The bottle of wine was at least 300k. Craig feared Estelle didn’t have the money, so he planned to give her all he had, avoiding any embarrassment when settling the bill in front of everyone.

Clarice did this to humiliate Estelle.

Estelle shook her head, “No need.”

“What do you mean no need? Even though we know it’s Clarice’s doing, we can’t let her make a fool of us when it’s time to pay!” Craig frowned.

“Just wait and see, really, no need!” Estelle raised her glass to Craig, “Drink up, it’s a few thousand per sip.

Seeing Estelle still able to joke around, Craig felt a bit helpless.

An hour later, the dinner ended. The director and Estelle went to the front desk to settle the bill, with Craig trailing along, worried about Estelle.


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