Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

Emily was stroking Kya’s silky hair, feeling guilty as hell for depriving Kya of having a dad. Lost in her thoughts, she was jolted back to reality when her phone, lying on the bed, started buzzing like crazy

Seeing the number flashing on the screen, she froze, her body stiffening involuntarily. The number was unmarked, but she recognized it instantly.

The phone kept vibrating, as if it would go on forever if she didn’t pick up. Taking a deep breath, Emily walked out onto the balcony to answer the call, “Hello?”

On the other end, there was only heavy breathing.

She tried again, “Hello?”

A cold chuckle came from Charlie, his voice devoid of any emotion, “When did you get married?”

Emily was speechless.

At her silence, Charlie’s voice turned even icier, “You got a boyfriend as soon as you landed in M Country?”

Emily lowered her head, not saying anything for a while, finally she murmured, “Yes.”

Charlie scoffed sarcastically, “So you found true love as soon as you went abroad?”

Emily could hear the mockery in his voice; she replied emotionlessly, “Being alone in a foreign land, I needed someone by my side.

Charlie’s breath seemed to hitch, his voice turning somber, “Then why did you guys break up?”

Emily didn’t answer.

Charlie’s breath turned heavier, his voice frosty, “He dumped you? Even abandoned your child, right? Emily, you haven’t learned anything at all, still as clueless as ever!”

Emily kept her lips sealed, not uttering a word.

“Speak up! Didn’t you say you wouldn’t date, wouldn’t have a boyfriend? I thought you had self-respect, turns out you’re just an idiot easily fooled by men! Even if you dated, why didn’t you take precautions? You got pregnant and he left you. How are you gonna take care of the kid?”

Charlie was fuming, his words merciless.

Listening to his reproach, Emily felt wronged and embarrassed, she retorted, “You don’t need to mind my business!”

“You think I want to? You still owe me, and you betrayed me. I haven’t settled the score with you yet. Don’t think I’ve forgotten everything just because it’s been two years. Emily, we’re not done!

Emily turned pale and hung up the call.

Her hand holding the phone was shaking uncontrollably, her chest heaving. She slumped against the wall, taking deep breaths. She knew she owed him a lot, knew she had wronged him, but it had been two years, couldn’t he just let her be? Emily bent her knees, buried her head in her arms, feeling a wave of sorrow washing over her, choking back her sobs.

“Mommy, what’s wrong?”

Emily suddenly looked up and saw Kya awake, standing by the balcony door, staring at her with a bewildered expression.

Emily quickly wiped her eyes and shook her head, “I’m fine!”

Kya came over and patted her head with her little hand. Emily felt a pang in her heart, she hugged Kya, “I’m sorry, I’ve been neglecting you because I’ve been taking care of granny.”

“It’s okay!” Kya shook her head immediately. “I’ve been good, I didn’t cry.”

“I know, Kya is the best kid!” Emily kept comforting Kya, “I love you so much!”

“I love you too!” Kya kissed Emily’s hair, her innocent eyes brimming with happiness.

Emily was touched by Kya’s smile, her sorrow greatly soothed. She picked up Kya, “Let’s go to bed.”

“Okay!” Kya hugged Emily’s neck tightly, “I want to hear a story.”

“Alright, I’ll tell you another one.”

Emily lied on the bed with Kya in her arms, her mood gradually calming down, As long as Kya was by her side, she had nothing to

The next day, Emily hit the hospital early in the morning


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