Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1092

Chapter 1092

Chapter 1092

Chapter 1092

Emily’s heart skipped a beat. She lifted her head and said seriously. If you can’t stand me, then keep your distance!”

“No!” Charlie sneered nastily. “Sometimes, hating someone doesn’t mean you need to stay away from them. Instead, you get closer and control them, watching them struggle. It’s much more fun!”

Emily’s eyes widened slightly. “What the hell do you want?”

“You are not allowed to get close to any man, including Dr. Martin, unless I agree!” Charlie said coldly.

Emily stared at him in surprise.

Charlie smirked. “Don’t think I can’t tell he’s into you!”

He stepped closer, looking down at Emily. “I still remember what happened two years ago. Do you think you can pretend nothing happened and live a normal life? No way!”

Emily stepped back, terrified by his threat, but she held his gaze. “I don’t want to date anyone. You’re overthinking! If you want to settle scores with me, anytime. I know I owe you!”

“You said before you didn’t want to date, but the moment you went abroad, you found a man and even had a kid!” Charlie mocked. “You better behave this time!”

Emily took a deep breath, looking at the cruel face of the man before her, feeling like he’d become a stranger.

“As long as you know you owe me, think about how you’re going to repay me!” Charlie smirked. “Don’t just talk. You know it has no real meaning.”

Emily’s face changed slightly.

Charlie glanced at her coldly and then turned and walked away.

Emily watched his receding figure, watched him enter the elevator, then sat down on a nearby bench, as if all her strength had left


His words were harsh and stinging, but each one hit her where it hurt. She hated herself for always owing people and not being able to repay them. Actually, if he just said what he wanted her to do, even if it cost her life, she would do it.

But what could she do? Emily felt powerless.

At school, she was praised by teachers and adored by classmates, but the moment she faced Charlie, all her confidence and pride would collapse. She didn’t know when it started, but she always felt insecure and inferior in front of him.

A girl caring for her mother on another hospital bed passed by and seeing Emily sitting on the bench, she came over and curiously asked, “Emily, who was that man just now?”

“A friend!” Emily tried to smile politely, but failed.

“He is so handsome, so manly!” The girl didn’t hide the admiration on her face.

Emily sighed lightly. No matter where Charlie went, he was always popular with women.

She stood up and smiled, “I’m going back to have breakfast with my mom, let’s chat in the ward later.”

“Sure!” The girl waved at Emily.

Back in the ward, Gina asked, “Has Mr. James left?”

“Yes.” Emily nodded.

Gina blinked, and tentatively asked, “Emily, does he like you?”

“No!” Emily answered immediately. “He just came to visit you, but you misunderstood that he likes me? Don’t talk nonsense in the future, or people will laugh at you.”

Gina nodded immediately. “I won’t say that again.”

After Emily took care of her breakfast and tidied up everything, she went to the office to see Dr. Martin.

Dr. Martin had just finished his rounds. Seeing Emily, he said warmly, “Please have a seat.”

Emily shook her head. “I am fine, what is it that you wanna tell me, Dr.Martin?”

As soon as she saw Dr. Martin, she was reminded of what Charlie had said earlier, and couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Dr. Martin was friendly to everyone, but Charlie mistakenly thought that every man was as fickle as him.


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