Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

Dr. Martin said kindly, “Emily, you don’t have to be so formal every time.”

“It’s not being formal; it’s respecting you. Thank you for curing my mom.” Emily said gratefully.

With a gentle smile, Dr. Martin handed Emily a prescription, “From today on, your mom needs to take these medications. Some need to be taken twice and some three times each day. I’ve written it all down. You can get the meds from the pharmacy. If there’s anything you don’t understand, feel free to ask.”

“Okay, thank you!” Emily took the prescription, “Tll go get the meds right now.”


As Emily turned to leave, she suddenly heard Dr. Martin call out, “Emily!”

Emily turned around, “Anything else?”

Dr. Martin hesitated for a moment before asking. “The man who came to see your mother today, is he your boyfriend?”

Emily paused slightly before shaking her head, “No!”

Dr. Martin laughed again, “I see, off you go then!”

Emily nodded and turned to leave.

The next day, Saturday.

After finishing her lesson with Henson, Estelle got in the car only to find out that Jonathan was the driver.

Estelle sat in the back seat without uttering a word, treating him as nothing more than a driver. This time, Jonathan didn’t force her to sit in the passenger seat. She assumed he was just giving her a lift until she realized they weren’t heading towards Sunset Ridge.

She frowned and asked, “Where are we going?”

Jonathan explained with a smile, “Carson has built an eco-park, and today is the grand opening. He invited everyone to come and have fun. I thought I’d take you there to let off some steam.”

Estelle immediately replied, “I’m not going, and I don’t need to let off steam!”

“Not going?” Jonathan looked back at her.

Estelle firmly said, “Not going!”

Jonathan nodded and slowly said, “Charlie will be there today too. We’ll be drinking tonight. If I accidentally let slip any secrets in front of him when I’m drunk, don’t blame me!”

Estelle looked upset, “Jonathan, since when did you become so shameless?”

Jonathan chuckled, “I can do whatever I want in front of my wife!”

Estelle turned her head and didn’t want to say a word to him.

Jonathan parked the car on the side of the road and looked at Estelle through the rearview mirror, “Come sit in the front. It’s easier for us to argue that way.”

Estelle regained her composure, “Jonathan, I don’t want to argue with you.”

“Then be a good girl and sit in front,” Jonathan stared at her, his gaze resolute.

Not wanting to argue, Estelle got out of the car and moved to the front seat.

Jonathan bent over to buckle her seatbelt, and while she was looking down, he quickly planted a kiss on her lips, chuckled softly “Isn’t this better?”

Estelle looked up, “If you want an obedient girlfriend, you can choose any girl. Why bother with me?”

Jonathan gave a slight smile and looked at her fondly, “Yes, there are so many girls in the world, but I only love you. Do I have any other choice?”


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