Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

Estelle’s heart was racing, eyes slightly reddened, lips tightly sealed in silence.

“Calm down, don’t be nervous!” The man kissed her lips again, teasingly looking at her, “Tell yourself, you don’t love me at all. Your heart is racing just because you’re pissed!”

*Jonathan!” Estelle’s face turned pale, she really seemed angry.

Only then did the man smile, restarting the car.

Estelle turned her head, watching the fleeting scenery outside the window, feeling irritable inside.

How can there be a man like Jonathan?

Jonathan, Charlie, and others had invested in Carson’s eco-park. The eco-park was built in Ruby Town, covering over a million acres. Surrounded by mountains and water, it included scenic areas, horse farms, golf courses, amusement parks, hotels, etc. It was fully equipped, beautiful, and was the largest eco-park in the country.

Ruby Town was more than two hours’ drive from J City’s downtown. Halfway there, Jonathan took Estelle out of the car for a bite to eat, so they didn’t reach the eco-park until three thirty in the afternoon.

Today was the opening day, and many tourists had already driven here.

Jonathan entered through the VIP channel and drove straight to the hotel.

After checking in, the beautiful receptionist at the front desk looked at Estelle with admiration and handed the special room card to Jonathan.

Estelle raised an eyebrow, “Only one room?”

Jonathan said, “There are many guests today, so Carson only saved one room for us. You can ask the receptionist if you don’t believe me.”

Estelle glanced at the receptionist’s polite smile but didn’t ask.

“Let’s go!” Jonathan took her hand and they went to the elevator.

The hotel didn’t have many floors. They went up to the top floor and entered a suite, which even had stairs on the balcony leading

to the rooftop.

“You sleep in the master bedroom, I’ll take the other one, Estelle said.

“Sure thing!” Jonathan responded.

Considering his immediate agreement, Estelle was a bit skeptical

“Carson and the others won’t be here for a while. Wanna take a shower and rest a bit?” Jonathan suggested.

“I didn’t bring any change of clothes, Estelle said.

She didn’t know they were coming here, so she hadn’t prepared anything.

Jonathan chuckled and led Estelle to the bedroom, opening the wardrobe. Neatly hanging inside were women’s clothes, all in Estelle’s size.

Surprised, Estelle said, “You planned this all along?”

“Planned what?” Jonathan softly replied, moving behind her, one hand propped on the wardrobe, turning Estelle around to kiss


Estelle attempted to dodge, but was soon caught by him, as he pinched her cheeks and kissed her.

Estelle was breathless from the passionate kiss. The man’s hand moved from her cheek to her neck, starting to unbutton her

white blouse.

Estelle grabbed his hand, obviously resisting

“Don’t stop me!” Jonathan said, his voice husky as he kissed her earlobe, “I miss you so much. I can’t sleep at night thinking about you.”

Estelle said calmly, “You’ve always had insomnia!”

Jonathan’s movements suddenly stopped, as though a bucket of cold water had instantly extinguished his passion. He lowered his head to her neck, saying, “How can you be so heartless?”


Suddenly, his phone rang. He took it out to see, it was Carson

“Hello!” Jonathan answered the phone, but didn’t move away, still trapping Estelle between his arm and the wardrobe

“Jonah, have you guys arrived? We’re all waiting for you on the first floor.” Carson said with a laugh.

“Yeah, we’ll be right down!” Jonathan replied.


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