Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

Jonathan shot her a quick glance, sensing something off in her tone. He held his tongue, waiting for her to continue.

Estelle spoke with a serious tone, “Let’s stop arguing. Give me some time to think about our relationship.”

Jonathan looked at her and after a while, said softly, “If something’s bugging you, I’ll help you out.”

Estelle dropped her gaze, looking at his slightly open shirt collar.

He let out a deep sigh, pulling her into his arms and whispering in her ear, “I know you’ve built up walls, and you’re on guard because I’ve hurt you. This is my fault. I’ll keep trying to get close to you. You just need to take baby steps towards me. Can we get over this hurdle together?”

Estelle nodded slightly, “Okay!”

The two of them embraced like that, neither of them moving. The bright moonlight streamed through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a silver glow upon them. Under the moonlight, their shadows melded together as if they had never been apart.

After a while, Estelle gently pushed Jonathan away, whispering. “I’m tired and I want to go to the bedroom.”

Jonathan didn’t insist and instead helped her up.

As Estelle was about to leave, her wrist was suddenly grabbed. “I feel like I’ve been played!”

“What?” Estelle blinked in confusion.

Jonathan pulled her back into his arms, “If you can’t make up your mind, then aren’t we just back to square one, and I’ll lose even the most basic rights.”

Estelle chuckled lightly. “Then you choose, do you want me or my heart?”

Jonathan clenched his teeth helplessly, “I knew it, you’re doing this on purpose!”

Estelle looked at him innocently, “Anyway, I gave you a choice, you can try it out.”

Looking at her playful eyes, Jonathan’s heart was torn between love and anger. In the end, he didn’t dare to make a reckless move, saying grudgingly, “I can wait. You can go to the bedroom, but give me a goodnight kiss as a token of good faith.”

Estelle frowned, not making a move.

Jonathan was somewhat displeased, “Not even willing to give a goodnight kiss and you say you didn’t trick me?”

Estelle sighed, closed her eyes and waited for his kiss. But after a while, when nothing happened, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

The man had a teasing smile on his face, “Darling, you’re supposed to kiss me. Take the initiative.”

Estelle took a deep breath, grabbed his shirt, stood on her tiptoes, and gently kissed the corner of his lips.

Watching her, her blushing ears, her trembling eyelashes, her nervousness reminding him of their first kiss, Jonathan felt all his resentment dissipate. Seeing her like this made all his sleepless nights worthwhile. She was deeply rooted in his heart, every little move of hers tugging at his heartstrings.

After all they’d been through, now that she could take the initiative to kiss him, what more could he ask for?

This was enough.

Jonathan held Estelle tightly, kissing her deeply before she left, holding her hand tightly and pulling her into his embrace, his eyes filled with tender affection.


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