Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

Estell Macclain picked out an outfit for Blythe to deliver over. This time, Yulia didn’t make a fuss. She obediently went to change in the dressing


Carmella Mcclain also headed in to change.

She initially intended to help Yula, but the moment she stepped into the dressing room, Yulia gave her a mouthful, “Are you dumb? As a fashion designer, you don’t even have the basic professional ethics! You can’t see such a big logo, can you? Because of you, I got chewed out by the director If it weren’t for my cousin, I would’ve kicked you out long ago!”

Carmella was also pissed Yulia had agreed to the outfit herself, and now that she was scolded by the director, all the blame was shifted She was itching to slap Yulia and storm out

But she had to keep herself calm. If she left, how would she explain this to Simone Macclain?

Simone was even more excited than her last night, and this moming, she had the maid prepare a bunch of tonics for her. She w


If Carmella left now, Simone would be extremely disappointed.

So Carmella swallowed Yulia’s scolding


After changing into the clothes Estelle picked out and being disciplined by the director, Yulia became much more docile and obediently went to


Craigsaw everything on set. During lunch, he talked about it with Estelle, grinning from ear to ear.

He didn’t know about Carmella’s relationship with Estelle, but seeing Yulia getting scolded made his day

“Did she really think Mr. Tucker would let her get away with everything like the other directors? Mr. Tucker has been tolerating her for a long time Let’s see if she dares to act high and mighty in the future!” Craig was getting more and more worked up.

Blythe, who was having lunch with them, was also very pleased, “Yulia was such a pain in the ass to Estelle yesterday, but Estelle didn’t pick a fight or tell Mr. Tucker. But today, the stylist she invited herself got her into trouble. We didn’t even have to lift a finger, Mr. Tucker sorted her sut himself.”

Craig laughed. “So, we should actually thank Carmella!”

“Thank her for what?” Blythe sneered, “Didn’t you see how smug she looked when she arrived this morning as if she was better than Estelle She should know her place now!”

Estelle was quietly eating her meal, with a cold smile on her face, “I do indeed have to thank her”

Craig noticed something off in her tone. “You know Carmella?”

7 guess you could say that. She used to be at Snowy Studios too!”

“Ah, I see!” Craig seemed to understand, “So, it seems like she came here on purpose to provoke you!”

Estelle said. “Then let’s see what she’s got up her sleeve!”

That night, when Carmella got home, Simone bombarded her with questions, “How was your first day? Was Yulia easy to get along with? Did Estelle give you any trouble?!

of me

“Do you think I’d believe you?” Simone looked at Carmella, her face growing cold. “Did she give you a hard time? Tell me I’ll help you autre problem”

Carmella seemed like she wanted to say something but held back as if she was hiding her discontent, “it’s fine. Estelle took good

“It’s not a big deal really. She just told director that the outfit I put together was ugly. Maybe she wasn’t targeting me “Carmeļja sai slightly downcast

dared to cure you in front of the director? Img

all her right now and give her a place of my mind?” Sim

“Please dorit” if you call her she might complain to the director, and to her Carmella cand frowning

tulia could be affected After


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