Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

“You’re just gonna let her walk all over you like that?” Sunone was fuming. “It’s because of her you got fired from Snowy Studios Now you’re in the crew, and the’s still gunning for you. How can she be so malicious?”

“Maybe she’s just green-eyed because you chose me over her. But, as long as I’m doing what’s right, I haven’t been scared of any mud she sings my way. No matter what she does, as long as I do my thing and my conscience is clear, I’m golden Carmella grabbed Simone’s hand, “Mom, you love me so much. Even if she hates me, I can take it

Simone stroked her face, her eyes filled with love, “I’m sorry. I hate to see you go through this.”

“Not at all I don’t feel wronged Carmella shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes she whispered, “As long as you love me, that’s all that


“Of course I love you you’re my favourite daughter.”

A cold glint flashed in Simone’s eyes, “In this lifetime, I’ll never acknowledge Estelle as my daughter.”

Carmella nestled in Simone’s arms, softly saying.

“I definitely outdo her to show you that choosing me was the right call.”

“Mhm, I believe in you.”

They held each other tight.

Carmella stayed with the crew, continuing to be Yulia’s costume designer. She didn’t dare to take things lightly anymore. Instead, she diligently read the scripts, pondered the character’s personality, helping Yulia design her outfits.

After being chewed out by Mr. Tucker, Yulia indeed behaved a lot better. At least she showed up an hour earlier to the set every day and stopped being so picky about her outfits.

On Friday, Gina was discharged. Emily got up early to go to the hospital and help her with all the discharge procedures.

A medical record form needed to be signed by Dr. Martin. Emily waited in his office for him to finish his rounds.

Dr. Martin signed for Emily and kindly reminded her, “Bring Gina back for a check-up in half a month. Let her rest well.”

Emily laughed and replied, “Sure, but I might be in Oakdale City by then. I have my brother bring her in.”

Dr. Martin suddenly looked up at her, “You’re going to Oakdale City?”

“Yes, I still haven’t submitted my graduation thesis.”

“When are you coming back?”

“Not sure.”

Dr. Martin frowned, “Why? You have great opportunities here, and your mother needs your care

Emily wanted to come back. What she would miss most this time leaving was Estelle. After she went to M. Country, she didn’t know when she would see Estelle again.

But she couldn’t tell Dr. Martin this. She could only smile and say, “I’ve already found a job over there.”

“Emily Dr. Martin stood up, his tone serious, “I didn’t want to scare you, so I didn’t tell you. But since you’re leaving, I have to tell you.”

Emily looked at him with surprise, seeming somewhat flustered, “Is there something else about my mother’s condition?”

“Nol” Dr. Martin quickly shook his head. He took a deep breath, looked at Emily deeply. “What I wanted to say is, I like you very much!”

Emily was stunned, “What?”


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