Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

The night had been a whirlwind, her mind was so fuzzed up that he was making her more dizzy than being drunk

“Let me lean on you for a bit, you know how much I’ve been looking out for you tonight, right?” Charlie said with his eyes closed, his voice incredibly gentle.

What a missed opportunity, he didn’t take advantage of it.

He’s always been able to control himself around her.

Emily’s heart was racing. She thought Charlie was talking about protecting her from Colin, she felt so grateful and hence didn’t move

She cracked open the car window, letting the cool night breeze in. As the car sped along, Emily slowly came back to her senses and something felt off

Everyone around Frank was singing praises for Charlie, she noticed.

Even that Colin, he was always super careful when talking to Charlie, even a bit brown-nosing Charlie.

Would Colin really dam to mess with her if Charlie wasn’t protecting her?

Emily bit her lip, thinking she must’ve had one too many drinks at dinner, hence the confusion.

But she was drunk, what was Charlie implying?

Was he drunk too?

Emily couldn’t help but let her mind wander, her head throbbed with pain.

Half an hour later, they pulled up to Sunset Ridge. Seeing that Charlie had no intention of getting out of the car, Emily had to remind him, “We’re here, time to get out!”

Hearing her composed voice, Charlie knew she was sober now. He slowly sat up and said nonchalantly, “Yeah, let’s go!”

“Take care, Mr. James. Safe travels,” Emily murmured without looking up as she stepped out of the car. She lingered for a moment, watching the vehicle retreat until it disappeared from view. Once it was gone, she sighed, touched her still warm lips, and hurried towards the stairs


The soft call from behind made her turn in surprise Dr. Martin?” she exclaimed, spotting him stepping out of a nearby car, a bouquet of flowers in hand. Under the glow of the streetlight, his eyes shone brightly.

Tve been waiting for you, he admitted.

Puzzled, Emily asked, is something wrong?”

Martin stepped closer, clutching the bouquet. With earnest eyes, he began, “Emily, I genuinely have feelings for you. This… this intensity of emotion, it’s a first for me. I’ve kept my distance, fearing I might upset you, but I also can’t bear the thought of giving up on these feelings. I believe I’d deeply regret it if I did.”

Emily involuntanly took a step back. Martin was a good doctor, she respected him a lot, so she couldn’t bring herself to hurt him. She also didn’t understand why he was so fixated on her

“Dr. Martin,”

“You can call me Martin Martin said with a gentle smile, “Just don’t call me Dr. Martin anymore.”

Emily said sternly, “Dr. Martin, I don’t have any romantic feelings for you. We don’t really know each other, you must have misunderstood something about me to like me.”

“What’s there to misunderstand? Are your beauty, respect for your mother, gentleness, and grace all fake?” Martin laughed softly. “If your reason for rejecting me is because you have a daughter, I want to sincerely tell you that I really don’t mind. If you’re worried that I won’t treat your daughter well if we get together, we can agree not to have any children after getting married”

Emily’s eyes widened in disbelief, thinking that Martin must have lost his mind!


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