Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1299

Chapter 1299

Chapter 1299

“I’m into you!” Martin reached out and grabbed Emily’s hand. “I think about you all the time, every day. I know it might not make sense to you, but I just can’t help falling for you!”

Emily suddenly looked up at Martin, panic flashing in her eyes.

In a car not far away, Charlie watched the two of them calmly.

He didn’t know why he had asked Kent to turn back. Apparently, it was fate’s doing.

His eyes were deep and calm as he watched Emily

Emily pulled her hand away from Martin, her expression turning cold. “Dr. Martin, if you keep this up, we can’t see each other anymore. Thanks for your feelings, but I’m sorry. I don’t feel the same way. You should go.”

With that, Emily turned and started walking towards the building.

Martin quickly caught up with her, grabbing her hand again. “Emily, I don’t believe you have no feelings for me at all. Even if it’s just a little, please don’t reject me. Trust me. I take good care of you and your daughter. I make sure you’re happy!”

Emily shook her head firmly and said, “No, I won’t fall in love, and I won’t get married.”

“Emily,” Before Martin could finish, a cold voice came from behind them: “Let go of my son!”

Martin turned around, startled.

His mother, Sherry, was striding towards them, her face twisted with anger. She swung her handbag at Emily and said, “You shameless woman, you’re seducing my son. I’m going to teach you a lesson today!”

Martin quickly stepped in front of Emily, blocking his mother’s swing “Mom, what are you doing?”

“What are you doing? Nina is such a good girl, but you prefer this woman, who has a child and no manners. Have you lost your mind?” Sherry demanded.

Sherry wasn’t alone. She had brought Martin’s two aunts with her, who immediately joined in on criticizing Emily, saying “You’re so shameless? Having a child before mamage and wanting to marry our Martin, have you no shame?”

“You’re ruining the values of our society!”

“You think you’re worthy of Martin?”

A blow landed on Emily’s forehead, leaving her stunned.

Why was Martin’s mother here?

Martin protectively shielded Emily, his voice cold: “Mom, who gave you the right to stalk me? Who I like and who I date is my business. You can’t interfere, and you certainly can’t hurt Emily!”

Sherry fumed, “You can date, but not a woman with a child. I won’t allow you to marry a loose woman!”

“Emily is not that kind of woman!”

Then where did her child come from? Did she give birth to it herself?” Sherry asked maliciously, “Alto, do you know about her family? Her father gambles and is drowning in debt, too afraid to show his face in public. Her mother doesn’t have a steady job and used to be a waitress. They’re dirt poor. You want to marry her? Your life would be ruined!”

Sherry’s words grew more venomous. She turned to Martin’s aunts and said, “Strip her if she has no shame, Tll make sure she loses all her dignity!”

It was ten at night. Some people were out for a walk or heading home, and seeing the commotion, they started to gather around.

Without knowing the truth, they began to condemn Emily, their words growing increasingly harsh

Upon hearing Sherry’s words, Martin’s aunts rushed forward to tear off Emily’s clothed

“I dare you to lay a finger on her

This icy voice came from behind the crowd. Sherry and the others turned around, startled.


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