Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1300

Chapter 1300

Chapter 1300

Charlie was tall and cold; his presence always sent chills down people’s spines.

Without hesitation, he strode up to Emily, shoving Martin aside and said, “Take your mom and get lost, if you dare to mess with Emily again, I’ll kick your ass out of J City!”

Martin stared at Charlie, dumbfounded.

Sherry couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She’d always been proud of her son and wouldn’t tolerate anyone badmouthing him. She frowned at Charlie and said, “Who the hell are you?”

Charlie gripped Emily’s cold hand tightly and said, “Her boyfriend!”

Emily looked up at him.

Charlie’s face was tight with anger.

Martin was stunned, as were Sherry and the others. She asked, “If you’re her boyfriend, why is she bothering my son?”

Charlie’s eyes were cold. “Why don’t you ask your son, who’s been bothering who? Take your son and get lost. If he bothers my girlfriend again, he’ll pay

Sherry’s eyes darted nervously. The man before her was dressed in an expensive suit, handsome, and had a powerful aura. He was clearly not an average Joe. Her son might have been great, but compared to Charlie, he seemed rather lackluster.

Just then, Kent walked over and asked respectfully, “Mr. James, need a hand?”

Sherry paled, glanced at Kent, then at the luxury car nearby, and didn’t dare to say a word

Charlie held Emily’s hand tightly, ordering in a cold tone, “Get some security to watch over her. If anyone harasses Emily again, break their leger”

With that, Charlie fed Emily into the building.

Kent looked at Martin coldly and asked, “Do you want to leave on your own or should I have someone escort you?”

The onlookers were intrigued by the sudden turn of events, all eyes were on the Waldos.

Martin looked unsettled. He was well-educated, successful, and always respected, he’d never had such a temble experience.

He glanced at his mother disappointment and hurt in his eyes, and quickly turned to leave

Sherry and the others didn’t dare to make a scene anymore and hurried after Martin

Charlie and Emily went upstairs. Emily had been silent the whole time, her face pale

Once upstairs, Ms. Simmons opened the door and said, “Back, so soon?”

She froze when she saw Charlie, and the smile on her face vanished

Kya ran over excitedly and said, “Mom, Uncle Charlie”

Charlie picked Kya up and said, “Thanks for looking after her. There’s a car waiting for you downstairs)

“No need, I can catch the last bus.” Ms. Simmons quickly assured

“it’s too late take my car. Take care of Kya; I’ll take care of you,” Charlie said indifferently!

“Thank you, Mr. James, Ms. Simmons expressed her gratitude.

Seeing Emily’s pale face, she didn’t say more and left.

Charlie carried Kya into the room and asked, “Tired? I’ll put you to bed tonight, okay?”

“Okay!” Kya nodded, then asked worriedly. “What’s wrong with Mom?”

Charlie looked back at Emily, who seemed lost, and smirked, “She messed up.”

Kya looked serious. Til apologize for her, Uncle Charlie, please don’t be mad at Mom!”

Charlie gently stroked her little face and said, “Let’s get some rest first”


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