Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303

“Why not?” Charlie grabbed her chin and asked, “Who are you waiting for? Are you in love with Kya’s dad?”

Emily clamped her mouth shut, speechless.

“Speak up!” Charlie moved even closer, forcing her to answer.

Emily gritted her teeth and said, “Yes, I love him!TM

Charlie’s face darkened instantly, and his fingers tightened “How long have you known each other?”

“Being in love with someone has nothing to do with how long you’ve known them. Some people grow up together and fall in love over time, others might only see each other once but can’t forget”

“Stop! I don’t want to hear your viewpoint on love!” Charlie gritted his teeth. “You owe me money and ran off abroad, and you dare to fall in love with someone else?” Emily said without hesitation, “Falling in love with someone is uncontrollabler

Charlie turned purple with rage, his forehead vein was throbbing. He sneered, “What good is it, loving him so much when he still left you and Kya?”

Emily’s face tumed pale, and she slowly lowered her head

Seeing her like this, Charlie got even angrier, he turned his head, not wanting to look at her.

Emily tidied her loose hair, hugging her knees. Her soft profile held a touch of sadness and innocence.

Charlie glanced at her from the comer of his eye, his gaze a little stuck, but his heart was even more upset. He said with a tight face, “Emily, you must be my nemesis; since the moment we met, you’ve been pissing me off!”

Emily turned to look at him, gently closing her mouth. “No matter how much you hate me, it’s useless. You should focus on getting better!”

Charlie felt like he was about to explode with irritation.

He glared at her and said, “Less talk; I need to take a shower. Get me a bathrobe.”


Emily got up and walked towards the bedroom; after a few steps, she turned back and asked, “Can I use the old bathrobe?”

Charlie frowned. “Do I have another choice?”

Emily replied seriously, “No!”

Before Charlie could fully blow up, she quickly ran into the master bedroom.

It was the same pink bathrobe with a Hello Kitty pattern, Charlie gave it a disgruntled glance, then picked it up and went into the bathroom.

His previously used tooth mug and toothbrush were still there, lined up next to Emily’s and Kya’s. Seeing this, half of Charlie’s anger was gone.

He had been here once and was familiar with everything even the scent of the shower gel made him a bit nostalgic.

After the shower, Emily was reading in the master bedroom. Seeing him, she immediately stood up.

Charlie spoke coldly first: “Don’t laugh!”

Emily pressed her lips together and shook her head. I’m not laughing!”

Water was still dripping from Charlie’s hair, falling on his handsome but tight face, then rolling down his neck into his slightly open bathrobe Emily’s voice was a bit hoarse, asking. “Need to blow dry your hair?”

“I can’t find the hairdryer.” Charlie replied.

“I’ll get it!” Emily ran out like she was escaping.

When she came back with the hairdryer, Charlie was already in the guest room, sitting on the bed waiting for her. He looked up and said, “Don’t wake Kya”

Emily nodded, closed the door, plugged the hairdryer into the power point at the bedside, and handed it to him.

“You have to blow my hair for me!” Charlie said confidently and then added, “Taking care of every aspect of my life is your responsibility”

Emily took a deep breath. Alright, he had helped her again today; she should be nicer to him.

Emily turned on the hairdryer, tested the temperature on her palm, and then slowly started to blow his hair.

Charlie’s hair wasn’t long, it felt kind of hard in her hand, no wonder his temper was really bad.

Her movements were very gentle, just like when she blow-dried Kya’s hair. She asked Charlie, “Is the temperature okay?”

Charlie, smelling the sweet scent from her body, felt a bit dizzy. He answered hoarsely, “It’s okay.”


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