Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

A glint of darkness flashed through Jonathan’s eyes. You can’t buy this medicine outside. I can give you a box, you can give it to your colleague.”

“Sounds good!”

Jonathan turned around to fetch the medicine from the bedroom, quickly taking out a light blue cardboard box with nothing but a capital “S” on it. No other names, no manufacturer’s label, and no instructions whatsoever.

Estelle took a look, then looked at Jonathan and said, “How many boxes of this medicine do you have?”

Jonathan looked at her and said, “Plenty”

Estelle’s heart rate quickened, and a chill crept up on her. She gave the medicine back to Jonathan, saying. “Never mind, I won’t give this to my colleague.”

Jonathan got the hint and nodded, saying, “Even though this medicine is safe, it’s still a drug after all.”

“Mhmm” Estelle chuckled, “TII let her buy it herself.”

Jonathan took the phone from Estelle’s hand, propped himself up on the sofa with his arms, and leaned down to kiss her.

Estelle tasted the refreshing mint in his mouth.

He handed her a piece of candy, like comforting a child.

“After eating candy, you won’t taste the bittemess of the medicine.” He said.

It was still raining outside, the gloomy sky visible through the window casting a greenish hue between the two who were so close. Estelle squinted at him and murmured, “Not”

Jonathan cupped her chin, deepening the kiss.

Estelle lounged back on the sofa, eyes closed, responding to him.

It wasn’t until Jonathan’s breath became heavier that Estelle had to stop him: “Don’t you have a meeting to go to?”

The meeting’s been moved to this afternoon. This lovely rainy atmosphere isn’t ideal for work” Jonathan’s voice was husky as he kissed her cheek, his lips trailing down to her ear, then picked her up and headed for the master bedroom.

It rained the whole day, intensifying by the evening.

The preliminary contract for the collaboration with Frank Co. had been signed, with some details still being discussed.

Tracy had other projects, so she handed over the collaboration with Frank Co. to Emily

Before leaving work, Emily called Manuel from Frank Co. When she hung up, she was alone in the office area; Tracy had already left.

Emily packed up her stuff and saw Charlie coming out of his office, heading towards her with a smile on his face. “Let’s go, I’ll take you home.”

“No need, I brought an umbrella; it’s easy to get to the subway station.” Emily responded

“It seems like you still don’t listen, always contradicting me.” Charlie glanced at her and said, “Come on, don’t make me say it twice.”

Emily raised her eyebrows, not daring to piss him off, and picked up her bag to follow Charlie.

Kent was driving, with Charlie and Emily in the back. The roads were congested due to the rain, resulting in slow-moving traffic.

Charlie took two calls while Emily kept her distance, looking out the car window.

After hanging up, Charlie asked, “Your brother, Elliott Sullivan, is he getting married on the 26th of this month?”

Emily looked at him in surprise and asked, “Mr. James, how do you know?”

“You don’t have to address me as Mr. James after work Charlie looked at her calmly and said, “Address me like you used to.”

Emily’s eyes flickered. What did she used to call him?

Charlie’s gaze was cold. “Forgot everything already?”

Emily shook her head and said, “Of course not”

To avoid provoking him again, she didn’t press the issue and quickly changed the subject to, “How did you find out about Elliott’s wedding?” “Someone from the branch office came for a meeting and reported on it.” Charlie replied.


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