Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Estelle had a bit too much to drink today, and as soon as she got in the car, she leaned on Jonathan’s shoulder.

Jonathan gently massaged her, smiling, “Did you drink because you’re happy or not happy today?”

“Mr. Lamont, I can’t waste the wine you gave me,” Estelle said softly, eyes closed.

“Do I mean that much important to you?”

“Of course!”

Jonathan raised the partition inside the car and held Estelle’s chin to kiss her lips with some strength and urgency, making Estelle, who was already a bit dizzy, more dependent on him.

After kissing her until she was almost lost, Jonathan slowly became gentle. He pressed against her lips and asked, “What did you do with Jason in private?” Estelle frowned, slowly opened her eyes, and looked into Jonathan’s deep eyes, “Jason.”

But Jonathan suddenly blocked Estelle’s lips again, pressing her against the seat, “Never mind, I shouldn’t have asked that.”

Estelle looked straight into Jonathan’s eyes and tilted her head to kiss him on her own initiative.

The next morning, Estelle came back from a run to deliver breakfast to Emily’s house.

Unsurprisingly, Charlie opened the door, looking fresh and energetic as he greeted Estelle.

Jonathan walked past Estelle, laughing, “Isn’t it a bit inappropriate for you to just live at Emily’s place?”

“Should I buy the house next door like you did?” Charlie sneered, “Only you would do something so unnecessary!”

Jonathan wasn’t angry. He drawled, “When Emily kicks you out, you’ll realize how important the unnecessary can be!” “Seem you’ve got experience?”

“I was just giving you a friendly reminder!”

Estelle quickly stepped back and blocked Jonathan behind her, laughing, “let’s go first!”

“Thanks for the breakfast!”

“No problem!”

After closing the door, Charlie put the breakfast on the table. His phone suddenly vibrated.

He glanced at it and took it to the balcony to answer, “Mom!”

Mrs. James spoke irritably, “You haven’t been home for days. Where have you been hanging out?”

Charlie laughed, “Don’t get mad so early in the morning. It’ll give you wrinkles.”

“Don’t change the subject, answer me!” Mrs. James scolded laughingly.

Charlie’s eyes shifted, and he chuckled, “Actually, I have a girlfriend. I’ll bring her to meet you when you’re in a good mood.”

Mrs. James took a deep breath, saying helplessly, “No need: Wait until you’ve been in a stable relationship with your girlfriend for more than three months, and then you can bring her to meet me. Otherwise, it’s a waste of my feelings.”

Charlie chuckled, “Being steady for more than three months isn’t a big deal, trust me! Alright, I’m off to breakfast. I’ll come see you when I have time!”

“Are you not coming home recently?” Mrs. James asked in surprise.


“Don’t mess around. If there’s a girl you really like, treat her well. Josiah is about to get engaged, and you don’t even have a serious girlfriend!

“Isn’t marriage a matter of sooner or later? What’s the rush?”

Mrs. James said, “Is your girlfriend that Waters girl? I’ve seen her a few times when I went to get a SPA, and she always initiated conversation with me. I think she has a crush on you.”

Charlie frowned, “It’s not her. The next time you see Waters, you don’t have to pay her any attention.”

“Not her?” Mrs. James was surprised, “I think Ms. Waters is good. She has a good family background, she’s beautiful, and she matches you in every way.”

“I don’t have those feelings for Waters!” Charlie answered. When he heard Emily had changed Kya’s clothes and come out, he quickly said, “I have things to deal with. Got to hang up!”

Mrs. James wanted to ask more, but Charlie had already hung up.

Emily came over, holding Kya, asking, “What’s up?”


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