Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1398

Chapter 1398

Chapter 1398

Chapter 1398

Estelle drove Henson and Hans back to downtown J City. Throughout the process, Hans was excited, and his words were confused with excitement. “Estelle, you are great. I really admire you more and more!”

Henson said indifferently, “I have told you there is nothing Estelle can’t solve. It is definitely right to ask her if you have any questions!”

“I’m not as good as you say. I just happen to know Mr. Gellar Estelle smiled and shook her head.

Hans approached the front, his eyes flashing with excitement “Estelle, you have known Mr. Gellar for a long time? Does he still want to accept you as an apprentice?”

“Yes, I used to live in Mr. Gellar’s house for a while. He said he would accept me as an apprentice, but it was just a joke. He knew I had a master” Estelle nodded. “Is your master Old Mr. Quintin better? Hans exclaimed.

“In terms of art, no one is better than anyone else. Mr. Gellar just likes to live in seclusion.”

While they were talking, Henson looked out of the window and frowned.

Why did Hans know who Estelle’s master was, but he knew nothing?

This made Henson feel a little unhappy.

Hans and Estelle were chatting happily. “Estelle, don’t go back to Uncle Bennett Macclain’s house, I told my mother, Leonie, to let her recognize you as her daughter, and you will be my sister in the future!

Henson suddenly tumed his head and frowned at the two.

Estelle couldn’t help joking. “Will Leonie recognize me as her daughter?”

“Of course, as long as Sallie and I agree, she will definitely agreel” Hans said with a serious face..

Estelle shook her head. “Thank you for your kindness, but don’t bother. Don’t worry. Sallie and I are both your sisters. We were and are now!”

1 just want to give you a home, Hans said softly.

Estelle’s eves were warm and astringent, and she turned to Hans with bright eyes. “I have a family, and you and Sallie are my family.”

Henson answered calmly, “Don’t worry about it. Estelle will have her own home soon!”

Estelle will marry Jonathan soon, and the Lamont family will be Estelle’s home in the future. Did she still need Hans to help her recognize her relatives?

“What do you mean?” Hans turned to Henson.

Henson smiled mysteriously. “You wait and see, and you will know soon!”

Estelle smiled and didn’t answer.

Back in the city, Estelle asked, “Who should I send home first?”

Henson immediately said, “Send Hans first. I’m in no hurry!””

“Good”” Estelle agreed.

“Have dinner together in the evening? It’s my treat!”

Hans was still excited, and reluctant to part with them.

“No, go home early, or your driver won’t pick you up at school, and Leonie will be in a hurry, Estelle said.

“All right!” Hans nodded helplessly.


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