Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1402

Chapter 1402

Chapter 1402

Chapter 1402

Yvonne caught sight of Estelle and quickly wrapped a blanket around herself. Her eyes lit up as she looked at Estelle and said, “Are you here for Jonathan? Don’t get the wrong idea, and nothing happened between us.”

Though she said so, there was a hint of provocation in her tone and gaze.

A fiery rage flickered in Henson’s eyes as he asked, “Where’s Jonathan?”

“He got a call and left. He’s probably in the study next door,” Yvonne replied.

“Get out of my house right now!” Henson’s face turned green with anger, his fists clenched.

Yvonne’s face fell, Henson, you didn’t use to treat me this way!”

“You seduced Jonathan, didn’t you?” Henson asked coldly.

“Why don’t you ask Jonathan?” Yvonne laughed lightly. As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a man coming from the study “Look, here he comes!” Estelle turned around and locked eyes with Jonathan.

A trace of shock flashed in his eyes, and Estelle’s heart sank.

Henson glared at Jonathan, “How could you do this?”

Seeing Yvonne on the bed, Jonathan’s face turned grim instantly. “Why haven’t you left yet?

“Good thing she didn’t,” Estelle muttered, then walked out.

Jonathan quickly grabbed Estelle’s hand, “Ella, it’s not what you think.”

“Let go of me!” Estelle said coldly, shaking off Jonathan’s hand and heading for the door.

Jonathan quickly followed, but Estelle stopped and turned, her eyes reddening. “Stop following me. I don’t want to hear whatever you have to say!” Jonathan looked desperate, Ella, it’s not what it seems!”

“Leave me alone for a while!” Estelle, feeling confused, turned and walked downstairs.

Without hesitation, Jonathan followed.

Henson stood at the door, watching their retreating figures, his brows furrowed.

Mae, having washed and dried Yvonne’s clothes and about to bring them upstairs, looked surprised to see Henson. “Henson, when did you come back?” Henson’s face was cold and hard, his anger palpable. “Who told you to wash that woman Yvonne’s clothes? Are you her servant or ours?” Mae was stunned.

Henson said angrily, “Throw away everything she’s used and get her out immediately. You can leave, too!”

Having said that, Henson pushed past Mae and stormed downstairs.

Estelle drove extremely fast, with Jonathan hot on her trail. They sped through the streets of J City, one after the other.

Jonathan’s face was clouded. This was the first time he realized how good Estelle’s driving skills were, which gave him a headache.

After losing her at an intersection, Jonathan guessed she was heading towards Sunset Ridge. He picked up his phone and called Estelle. She didn’t answer.

He had no choice but to text her.

[Ella, I’ll stop chasing you. Drive slower!]

By the time Jonathan arrived at Sunset Ridge, it was already dark.

Entering the house, the lights were off. Estelle was curled up on the balcony, her slender silhouette shrouded in darkness, emitting a quiet solitude that made Jonathan’s heart tighten.

Jonathan walked over, crouched beside Estelle, and gently touched her face.

“Ella, I didn’t do anything to Yvonne!”


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