Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478

Norah’s Saturday was just a day away. She caught an early ride and got busy with Damian and others. She was pretty slick at handling all the tasks and was always full of energy. You wouldn’t catch a whiff of the rich girl attitude in her.

By around ten, customers started to roll in. They were all regulars from the neighborhood and wondered why the joint had been closed for so many days. Norah, menu in hand and a big smile on her face, told them, “Our boss is a gem; he gave us a few days off to relax”

The customers joined in the fun.

“Xavier is the most laid back boss I’ve ever seen!”

“I bet Xavier runs this BBQ place for kicks. I don’t think he makes a buck. You believe that?”

“Absolutely, I’ve never seen a store owner as chill as Xavier. Seems like he couldn’t care less about making money”

After a few laughs, Norah went to the back to pass the orders

When Xavier came down from upstairs, he heard Norah chatting with Zachary in the kitchen, she was even humming the latest hit song

He frowned, wondering why Norah seemed even more cheerful after he turned her down. He snorted and went out to buy cigarettes.

At noon, while Norah was busy in the kitchen, Damian came in with a mysterious smile, “Norah, your admirer is back. Go say hi Norah tumed around in surprise, “Adrian Chambers?”

“Yep.” Damian led her out.

Xavier, who was chopping vegetables across the kitchen, looked up briefly and then quickly lowered his head again. Norah went to the lobby and saw Adrian sitting by the window in his white sportswear, looking fresh and handsome.

She walked over, smiling, “Adrian, what’ll you have?”

“Anything’s good!” Adrian chuckled, “I’m mainly here to see you.”

Norah took his order on the tablet, “You don’t do spicy, do you? How about garlic 8807”

“Sounds great!” Adrian’s eyes sparkled as he watched her with a smile.

The BBQ came quickly. Norah got him a soda, “Weren’t you supposed to take over your family business? Aren’t you very busy?”

“Not too busy. fve been handling part of the company’s work since a year ago, so it’s manageable. Adnan got utensils for Norah, “Haven’t you eaten yet? Let’s eat together”

Norah shook her head, “I have to take care of other customers.”

Adrian chuckled, “Norah, why do you want to work part-time in such a small BBQ place? If you don’t want to work for your uncle’s company, you can come work with me”

Norah smiled, “Let’s talk about it after I graduate I’m doing pretty well here for now”

Adrian didn’t quite get why Norah would want to stick around a BBQ place

He quickly changed the subject, “Some of our classmates have contacted a rural school. We bought a bunch of sports equipment and extracurricular books to donate. Want to come along? I can teach you

to drive on the way”

Norah was tempted. She had participated in these activities a few times before, and the children’s smiles always warmed her heart. She was also very interested in learning to drive. She had her driver’s license, but she hadn’t driven since her near-accident on her first attempt, which had left her with a psychologicalacar “Yeah, your classmates will be there too.” Adrian continued


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