Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

Norah nodded, “Alright, you eat first. I’ll ask for a break after I finish eating, then we can leave together”

“Why don’t you sit down and join me? If your boss gives you a hard time, I’ll have your back Adrian Chambers gave a warmhearted smile.

“No need, I’ll grab a bite later. I need to get busy now!” Norah went to attend to other customers.

She had been working in the shop for a long time, and many regulars knew her, so they all greeted her with smiles. Her face was always lit up with an innocent smile, and she moved around the shop with grace and agility. The black bow in her hair fluttered as she moved, as if it had a life of its own.

When Xavier came out, he saw Adrian sitting by the window, staring at Norah without blinking. The affection in his eyes for her was so obvious, it was the purest form of a teenage crush.

Xavier glanced at Norah, grabbed a pack of cigarettes, and headed towards the kitchen.

After busying himself in the kitchen for a while, Damian came to place an order. He told Xavier, “Oh, by the way, boss, Norah had to leave early this afternoon. She asked me to let you know.”

Xavier lifted his head, unconsciously frowning. “She’s already left?”

“Yeah, just left!”

“Did she leave with her classmates?”

“How did you know? They have some kind of charity event this afternoon.” Damian explained.

Xavier nodded, didn’t say anything, and continued to chop vegetables. He scoffed inwardly. Norah’s affection was like a child’s fleeting interest, shifting quickly from one thing to another after rejection.

For some reason, anger surged in him, and he chopped the vegetables as if they were his enemies.

In the afternoon, when they were not busy. Damian and the others sent off the last customers, tidied up the shop, and started playing cards.

Xavier found them too noisy and sat alone in the backyard, basking in the sun. The osmanthus in the yard was about to bloom, and the roses climbing the wall were still in full bloom, showing no signs of wilting. The scent of roses and the faint fragrance of osmanthus mingled together, lingering in his nose and refreshing

his mind.

The big cat was also basking in the sun in the comer, playing with a cricket under its paw out of boredom.

Xavier was smoking and absent-mindedly watching the big cat. His phone by his side suddenly vibrated. He picked it up, glanced at it, and answered indifferently, “Hello?”

Mr. Hanson’s voice came over the phone with a pleasing tone, “Gonzalez, you haven’t been home for half a month. When will you come back?” Xavier took a puff of his cigarette, his gaze cold, “In a couple of days.”

“Your stepmother has arranged a girlfriend for you. If you are coming back, let us know in advance so we can arrange a meeting Mr. Hanson said with a gentle -laugh

“No need!” Xavier said carelessly, “I have no plans to get mamed, tell her not to bother

“Gonzalez, you are already thirty-three this year, it’s time to start a family” Mr. Hanson advised patiently

“So what if I start a family? Xavier scoffed, “Just to carry on the family line, I have to marry a wifet don’t love to keep at home, but still go out looking for other women?”

Mr. Hanson was choked up and speechless for a while, “Gonzalez, I was not wise when I was young I apologize for what I did to you and your mother. I now know! was wrong

“She’s already gone, so what’s the point of saying all this now?” Xavier’s voice grew colder, if there’s nothing else, I’m going to hang up”

“When will you be back?” Mr. Hanson asked expectantly

Til let you know when I decide to come back” Xavier said and then hung up.

Because of this phone call, Xavier became even more irritated. He was flipping through his phone out of boredom when his gaze froze on a post. He was staring at a photo as his finger paused.


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