Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1492

Chapter 1492

Chapter 1492

Chapter 1492

Estelle nodded with a smile and pushed the design plans towards Sallie, “I think it’s just about done. Show it to Amber tomorrow and give me a call if there’s any issues.”

Sallie was taken aback, then nodded in agreement.

“I’m taking off then!” Estelle announced cheerfully, “Tell Hans he can game tonight. I’ll be waiting for him online.”

“Oh!” Sallie answered, still appearing dazed.

Estelle leaned in close, whispering, “Don’t tell anyone, okay?” Then she and Jonathan left together.

Sallie stared blankly at their retreating figures for a long time before she snapped back to reality. Not just her, the entire banquet hall watched as Jonathan led Estelle away by the hand. The once lively crowd fell into silence.

Simone’s face darkened. Even if the Macclain and Lamont families were to unite in marriage, it should be Carmella going over, not Estelle seizing the opportunity. A sense of loss filled Carmella’s eyes. She had been excited about defeating Estelle earlier, but all that joy was now replaced by panic. What was the deal with Jonathan constantly standing up for Estelle? She turned to Simone, “Mom, my sister isn’t dating Mr. Lamont, is she?”

“No way!” Simone replied flatly, taking her hand placidly and whispering, “Don’t worry, her background is clear as day. Even if Jonathan likes her, the Lamont family would never let her in.”

Right! Carmella nodded. Simone had just openly stated that Estelle was adopted, and Jonathan would have heard. There’s no way he wouldn’t care! Natalia and Sabina also didn’t look too pleased. Despite their daughter staying by Jonathan’s side for so long, she was still just his secretary, while Estelle, a

mere tutor in the Lamont family, seemed closer to him. Estelle was definitely not to be underestimated, no wonder Bennett and Simone didn’t like her!

Leonie then approached Sallie and asked quietly, “What did Jonathan say to Estelle just now?”

Sallie, still in shock, wanted to tell the truth, but thinking of what Estelle had said before she left, she mumbled, “Nothing much, just asked if Estelle wanted to go home and offered to give her a ride.”

“That’s it?” Leonie was somewhat skeptical.

“That’s it!” Sallie declared, then suddenly grabbed her design plans and ran off.

“Where are you going?” Leonie called out.

“I’ll be right back!! Sallie replied and disappeared into the crowd. She left the banquet hall, found a quiet spot, and hastily messaged Estelle. First, a string of shouts expressing her surprise,


[Estelle, you have to tell me, are you Jonathan’s girlfriend?]

Estelle, already in Jonathan’s car, smiled and replied, [No.]

Sallie, [You’re lying, I heard Jonathan calling you his wife!!!]

Estelle, [Yes, I’m his wife, not his girlfriend.[

Sallie was stunned, her fingers flying over the keyboard, [What do you mean? Are you married?]

Estelle quickly replied, [Yep.]

Sallie stared at her phone screen, almost fainting, [How is this possible? When did you guys get married? Why does no one know?]

[We’ve been married for a while now, I just didn’t say anything, so nobody knew. You can’t say anything either, got it?]


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