Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1500

Chapter 1500

Chapter 1500

Chapter 1500

Jason’s voice was as calm and composed as ever, “What time do you get off today? Mentor is missing you, I’ll come pick you up for dinner, and grab Sophia on the way.”

“Sure, I should get off work early today: Estelle replied.

“I’m not at the office right now, might be a bit late getting back to downtown. You go get Sophia first, we’ll meet at Mentor’s, Jason said.

“Roger that!” Estelle replied.

After hanging up, Estelle called Sophia. Sophia happened to have something to talk to Estelle about, so she happily agreed and said she would bring Robin to meet Old Mr. Quintin.

Sophia bringing Robin to meet Old Mr. Quintin was like introducing him to her parents. Estelle laughed and said, “Well, are you two getting engaged?” Sophia cheerfully replied, “Almost, we’re discussing it, but Robin’s company is really busy, so we haven’t set a date yet”

“Congratulations in advance!”

“Thank you, darling!”

Hearing Sophia’s joyful voice, Estelle felt a pang of sadness. Sophia taking Robin to meet Old Mr. Quintin might mean they were about to announce their engagement, and she wondered what Jason would think..

Having experienced love herself, Estelle understood both the joy and pain it could bring. But if Sophia were engaged, Jason might let her go. Only after one love ended can a new one begin elsewhere.

Estelle spaced out for a moment, then suddenly remembered something and dialed Jonathan’s number. The phone rang twice before Jonathan answered, “Babe!”

Hearing voices in the background, Estelle laughed and asked, “Are you in a meeting?”

“Yes, but that’s fine, go ahead!”

Estelle asked, “When are you done?”

Jonathan replied, “I have an international video meeting coming up, so I might be late today. You don’t need to wait for me, just go have dinner at Emily’s.”

Estelle initially wanted to invite Jonathan to meet Old Mr. Quintin, but hearing about his important meeting, she didn’t mention it and simply said, “Alright, got it.”

“What did you call for?” asked Jonathan with a chuckle.

“I was planning to have dinner with you tonight, but it seems we’ll have to reschedule, Estelle laughed, “Go ahead with your meeting.”

“I’ll try to come home early.”


Sophia was free in the afternoon and wanted to surprise Robin, so she told him they were going to meet Old Mr. Quintin

Upon arriving at the company, Sophia didn’t greet him and went straight to the 19th floor. She walked all the way to the general manager’s office, with employees she knew greeting her along the way.

Sophia brought afternoon tea for everyone and asked Robin’s assistant to distribute it. The employees happily accepted the treat and Sophia pushed the door to the general manager’s office open.

The office decoration was simple and understated, with gray walls and dark gray bookshelves that were almost monotonous.

At the moment, Robin was sitting on the sofa reading some project files, with a girl in a light blue dress, with straight black hair, sitting next to him, pointing out things with a pen.

Every time Robin spoke, the girl would look intently into his eyes. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t notice someone had entered the room.


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