Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Estelle had no choice but to accept, thanking Janice, “Thanks you so much!”

“Don’t be so polite, really! It’s us who should be thanking you!” Janice replied warmly, genuinely liking Estelle.

As everyone was chatting, Geoffrey Lamont and Jonathan’s older brother Alcott Lamont came downstairs, with everyone standing up. Janice introduced Estelle to Geoffrey and Alcott. Estelle greeted both of them.

Geoffrey’s appearance was just as Jonathan had described – serious, rarely smiling, with deep and wise eyes that made it hard to read his thoughts.

Alcott looked somewhat like Jonathan, wearing black–rimmed glasses, probably from his academic research. He appeared calm and composed, and like Janice, he was polite and approachable.

Estelle felt that in terms of personality, Alcott was more like their mother, while Jonathan took after their father.

Alcott courteously told Estelle, “My wife and I originally planned to send a car to pick you up, but Jonathan said he was passing by University of J City, so he offered to bring you back. I wanted you to feel welcomed, so please forgive us for the arrangement.”

Estelle had seen Alcott on TV before and knew that he held a high status in the academic world. She felt kind of guilty for him talking so respectfully to her, “Not at all! You’re too kind!”

Jonathan continued, “Estelle’s right. She’ll be visiting frequently in the future, let’s all relax and get comfortable.”

With everyone seated and exchanging pleasantries, Estelle noticed that the Lamont family had a great relationship. The elders were gentle and loving, and the younger generation was considerate and

polite, without any backstabbing or intrigue.

While the adults were chatting, Norah made eye contact with Estelle, got up, and said, “We can’t really participate in the grown–ups” conversation. Let me show you around my room, Estelle!”

Henson chimed in, “I’m coming too!”

“What are you going to do there? We’re having some girl talk. Just go play your video games!” Norah laughingly dismissed him and took Estelle upstairs.

Janice reminded them, “Take good care of Estelle. I’ll come and get you when lunch is ready.”

Norah playfully responded, “Got it! Estelle’s our distinguished guest today. I’ll make sure she’s well looked after!”

Estelle gracefully said goodbye to the others and followed Norah upstairs.

Once inside, Norah grinned, “Everyone in this house very nice. Grandpa might seem serious, but he’s really caring and gentle with the younger generation. You’ll see what I mean when you spend more time with us!”

Estelle nodded, “Yeah, everyone’s really nice.”

Norah flopped onto the couch, propping herself up with a pillow. “You know, Henson’s been through a few tutors and my mom was about to give up on his studies. Who would’ve thought he’d come in first place? Mom was over the moon! She said we must thank you properly!”

Estelle replied, “Henson’s really smart!”

“Well, he’s smart but lazy,” Norah giggled. “My grandma actually wanted to gift you a house as well, but my uncle said you’re easily scared, and you are even afraid of Milo. So she was worried about handing

over the property keys, fearing it might freak you out.”

Estelle, “…

Was it too late for her to prove her courage? Since when were people afraid of dogs also scared of houses? Do those afraid of dogs usually sleep on the streets?

“Anyway, I got you a gift too. Let me grab it for you.” Norah tossed the pillow aside, got up to fetch the present from the walk–in closet, and handed over a large box. “You’ve accepted my mom’s gift, so you have to take mine too.”

“What is it?” Estelle took the box, opened it, and found a beautiful porcelain cup inside. The cup was crystal–clear, adorned with intricate, vintage patterns.


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