Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

“How do you like it? The moment I saw this cup, I thought it suited you perfectly.” Norah tilted her head and smiled.

“Love it!” Estelle touched the pattern on the cup, her eyes sparkling, “Thank you!”

“No need to be polite with me!”

The two chatted for a while, and when it came to Norah’s family, Estelle casually asked, “Has your uncle never been in a relationship?”

“My uncle?” Norah leaned against the sofa, thought for a moment, and said, “All I know is that he used to have a good relationship with Yvonne, but then he got engaged to the daughter of the Macclain family, and Yvonne went to M Country. Later, after he married Ms. Macclain, he also went to M Country. I thought he went to find Yvonne, only to find out that it wasn’t the case.”

Estelle asked again, “So they broke up because of your uncle’s engagement with the Macclain’s daughter?”

Norah shook her head, “At that time, I was in my senior year of high school and lived in school for that semester, so I wasn’t very clear about their situation.”

Estelle nodded and didn’t continue to ask.

The two changed the subject, but after a short while, Norah’s phone vibrated. She picked it up and immediately smiled. She answered, “Didn’t we talk this morning already? What’s up?”

Whatever the person on the other end of the line said, Norah’s face flashed with shyness, “So, when will you be back in J City?”

Estelle guessed it was Nicolas. Not wanting to disturb their sweet talk, she made eye contact with Norah and got up to leave.

Closing the door for Norah, Estelle wasn’t sure where to go. The Lamont family downstairs was discussing work matters, so she didn’t want to bother them.

Fortunately, Estelle was very familiar with the Lamont family and knew that there was a shared study room on the second floor, which should be empty at this time. So she decided to go to the study to read for a while.

The study was at the end of the hallway. Estelle opened the door and was greeted by a strong scent of books.

The study was spacious, with floor–to–ceiling windows overlooking the villa’s flower garden on one side and floor–to–ceiling wooden bookshelves full of various books on the other three walls.

The sunlight streamed in, casting a warm and tranquil atmosphere on the beige carpet. Even the air was extraordinarily serene.

Estelle walked slowly from one end of the bookshelf to the other, looking for her favorite books.

Occasionally, she would pick up a book, read a few lines, and if it was a difficult professional book, she would carefully put it back. She was completely immersed in the world of books and literatures, not even noticing the door opening behind her until a man stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Startled, she tensed up but soon relaxed upon recognizing the familiar scent of


Jonathan held her in his arms, and their bodies fit perfectly together without the slightest gap.

“What book do you want? I’ll help you find it!”

Estelle felt a bit awkward since the Lamont family members were around, and she was here as Henson’s tutor.

She pursed her lips and whispered, “How did you get here?”

Jonathan sensed her nervousness and chuckled softly in her ear, “Don’t worry, no one usually comes here.”

Jonathan’s breath brushed against her ear, causing Estelle’s heart to race. She turned to look at the floor–to–ceiling window, worried that someone in the courtyard might pass by and see them just by looking up.

It was as if Jonathan knew what she was thinking. He reached out and tapped on the electronic screen on the nearby wall, and the curtains on both sides of the floor–to–ceiling window slowly closed, blocking the bright sunlight and the view of the servants outside.


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