Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Charlie chuckled, giving Jonathan a knowing glance, and remarked, “What’s the need for explanations between the two of you? Are there some secrets I should know about?”

Jonathan maintained a serious expression and responded, “Friends should always be open and honest with each other.”

“Friends?” Charlie scoffed. “Don’t tarnish the word ‘friend,‘ okay?”

He laughed after he finished, saying, “Don’t worry, I’m not like you. I have morals; I won’t touch a pure girl like this. If she doesn’t mind, I can be pals

with her!”

Jonathan gave him a disgusted look and said, “I think you’re fine. Go home, man. If you can’t manage on your own, your girlfriends can take care of you!”

Charlie frowned and said, “My injury is internal. The doctor said I need at least a week of rest. Plus, I promised not to approach Emily. Why are you always trying to kick me out?”

Jonathan calmly replied, “Before, Estelle used to come over here to eat dinner with Emily every night. How can she come with you here?”

Charlie showed a shocked expression, shook his head sadly, and said, “I see now – twenty years of friendship with you, but I can’t even match one of Estelle’s hairs!“.

Jonathan snorted coldly, “Why would a living person compare themselves to hair? Did your brain get damaged?”

Charlie raised his hand to cover his head, fell back onto the sofa, and made a ‘nothing left to live for‘ expression.

Jonathan laughed lightly and said, “Get up, I need to discuss something serious with you.”

“Right,” Charlie sat up and asked, “How did the cooperation talks with Schilder go? What about the Anderson family?”

Jonathan feclined on the couch, a sense of pride evident on his face. “If Schilder prefers to align himself with the Anderson family, then he is not worth considering for a partnership,” he declared confidently.

Charlie wore a satisfied smile as he remarked, “Old Anderson truly lacks discernment, entrusting the fate of the Anderson family to someone like Baldrick. It’s simply a recipe for their own downfall, destroying their own legacy.”

Continuing the conversation, Charlie inquired, “Now that the agreement has been signed, when can we commence our work?”

Jonathan responded, “That’s precisely what I wanted to discuss with you. Our initial project revolves around developing highly advanced simulation robots. Given your expertise in this field, I believe our collaboration would be invaluable.”

Charlie perked up at this, saying, “We’ve been researching for many years but haven’t made significant progress. If we could get the core technology from the Merk family, I guarantee we’ll do even better!”

The two talked for nearly an hour about future collaborations with Schilder, and it gradually got darker.

Charlie extended a cigarette to Jonathan and remarked, “Bringing Estelle along was a smart move!”

Jonathan maintained a composed expression as he replied, “Even without Estelle, I would have ousted Baldrick. She has no involvement in the business negotiations.”

Politely declining the offered cigarette, Jonathan added, “I’m quitting smoking.”

Charlie paused momentarily before bursting into laughter. “Why the sudden decision to quit? Are you planning to have a baby or something?”

Jonathan glanced at him coldly, humming, “You’ve already had a baby, so why would I?”

As he was saying this, he turned his head and saw Estelle and Emily standing behind them. Emily looked shocked, as if she had heard something earth–shattering.

Estelle remained composed, but her eyes held a complicated look.

Jonathan thought, “…”

What was with that look? Didn’t she know if he liked guys or girls?

Charlie rushed to explain, “He’s joking! Don’t take it seriously! I only like women; I’m not interested in men!”

Estelle smiled awkwardly, “You don’t need to explain it to me.”

Jonathan’s anger simmered within as he glanced at his watch, abruptly standing up from his seat. “I have some urgent matters to attend to at home. I must take my leave,” he stated tersely.

Estelle swiftly rose from her seat as well, politely chiming in, “I’ll accompany Jonathan. Mr. Dulle, please take good care and have a pleasant rest!” In a monotone voice, Jonathan interjected, “Why bother returning? Stay here for dinner, and then you can head back upstairs.”

Estelle’s eyes widened slightly, silently asking him, “Is this your place? Who are you to decide?”

Emily quickly said, “Estelle, please stay. I have to cook dinner anyway.”


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