Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Manley took a drag of his cigarette, his eyes squinted, so Jonathan wasn’t with Estelle anymore? Someone else took her place?

He had a sarcastic smile on his handsome face and said, “How good–looking could she be? You guys are drooling all over the place, like your saliva is flowing straight from your brains!”

Ali Bolton sat on Clement’s left, leaning over to pour wine for Manley and giggled, “I’ve seen her, and honestly, she’s stunning! Those eyes and ridiculously long legs! But Jonathan said no one can touch that girl, so we can only sit there and watch!”

Manley sneered, “Jonathan said? Are his words the law now?”

Only Manley would dare to say such things; others wouldn’t dare to echo, just laughed awkwardly in agreement.

At that moment, a waitress came in to deliver wine. Ali, trying to prove that he wasn’t just making things up, immediately pointed at the waitress and said, “If you don’t believe me, Manley, ask her if it’s true!”

The one who delivered the wine was Susan. She got down on one knee to put down the wine and cast a coquettish glance at Manley. Then she turned to Ali with a smile, “What did Mr. Bolton say? I didn’t hear you clearly.”

Ali said, “There’s a hot chick on the 8th floor, who’s exclusively in charge of Room 8809. Tell Manley if it’s true or not!”

Susan’s face suddenly became clear, and she flattered, “Mr. Bolton is right”

She glanced cautiously at Manley and sighed with a smile, “She went straight to the 8th floor when she started to work in the Midnight Bar, and Melody got beaten that day. We all said she must be something special. Sure enough, it became clear in a few days that she’s Mr. Lamont’s girl.”

Manley’s thin lips curled into a smile, “Call her over, let me have a look!”

Susan showed a distressed expression, “Mr. Scott, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but I don’t dare! She’s with Mr. Lamont, even Mamie wouldn’t dare to touch her. We don’t even dare to let her help when we’re busy, in case she gets upset and we lose our jobs!”

Manley’s eyes narrowed, and a smirk formed at the corner of his mouth, but there was anger in his tone, “She’s that arrogant?”

Susan pouted and nodded, “To be honest, she’s even more arrogant than I said. She doesn’t care about anyone, and I’m afraid even if I told her it was Mr. Scott looking for her, she wouldn’t come! There’s nothing we can do, her backer is Mr. Lamont after all!”

Ali’s drunkenness swelled, and he scoffed, “how dare she not to come when Mr. Scott asks? If Jonathan really wants to spoil her, he should keep her hidden in bed all day! Why let people see her if she’s untouchable?”

Manley leaned back against the couch, toying with a lighter in his hand, casually asking, “What’s her name?”

Susan said, “Estelle.”

Manley paused and slowly looked up, “What’s her name?”

“Estelle,” Susan repeated.

Upon hearing this name, Clement’s face changed, and he looked at Manley, whose expression was already off.

To please Manley, Ali started to say even worse things, “even her name sounds like a slut. She’s probably just a dog that grovels at Jonathan’s feet, and she really thinks she’s something!”

Susan echoed, “She does, otherwise, how could she hook up with Mr. Lamont?”

Clement, who usually got along well with Ali, hurriedly gave him a look, but Ali thought Clement wanted him to say even worse things, so he mocked, “Some women are just cheap and stupid, thinking they can do whatever they want by relying on Jonathan. She doesn’t even care about Manley. Ask her sugar daddy here and see if he dares to disrespect Manley

Clement glared at him, and Ali was a little confused.

Manley’s face didn’t look good. He put out his cigarette in the ashtray and turned to Ali, “You, go call her over and say I’m waiting for her!”

Ali immediately got up, “Alright, Manley, just wait. Even if I have to kidnap her, I’ll bring her to you.”

“Kidnap her? Do you think I’m in the Mafia? Manley sneered and asked half–jokingly.


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