Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Elizabeth didn’t understand and when she saw everyone’s faces change, she quickly asked, “What’s this Midnight Bar?”

Leonie smirked, “The Midnight Bar is the biggest nightclub in J City, and it’s super expensive!”

Elizabeth’s face darkened, and with a loud thud, she threw Estelle’s gift on the table, scolding, “Shame on you! You’re a part of the Macclain family, and you’ve stooped so low as to work there?”

Simone glared at Estelle, embarrassed by her daughter’s actions, wishing Estelle wasn’t her daughter. What used to be awkwardness in her eyes had now turned into disgust!

Estelle remained calm, “Gran, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m just a waitress at the Midnight Bar, working an honest job.”

Leonie sneered, “Working in such a place and talking about being honest?

Bennett quickly explained, “Mom, Estelle isn’t that Kind of girl. She’s always been hardworking. She used to tutor, and since it’s now summer vacation, she found a temporary job. There are actually a lot of regular waitresses at the Midnight Bar!”

Stanley lazily interjected, “Bennett, after all, Estelle’s your daughter. Don’t be so stingy! Give her some money to spend so she doesn’t take the wrong path. If others know she’s from the Macclain family, we’ll all be embarrassed!”

Bennett’s face darkened a bit, “No worries, no one knows. Our family won’t be embarrassed.”

Hans frowned, “I believe in Ella. Dad, don’t speak of her like that!”

“On what basis do you believe?” Leonie forcefully pulled Hans back, “This is an adult conversation, children shouldn’t interrupt!”

Hans pursed his lips, his face tense, “Anyway, Ella isn’t the kind of person you think she is!”


eyes flickered, and she giggled, “I also believe my sis isn’t like that. Some of our classmates work at the Midnight Bar during the

summer too.”

She picked up the gift that Elizabeth had thrown, “Gran, let’s see what sis got you as a gift.”

When the box opened, the diamond necklace inside sparkled, clearly very expensive.

Carmella exclaimed in surprise, “It’s so beautiful, and it’s from GK Jewelry Studio! Gran, sis got you such an expensive gift, don’t be angry!”

Sabina glanced at Estelle meaningfully and said softly, “This necklace must cost at least a hundred thousand.”

Elizabeth became even angrier, grabbed the necklace, and threw it back at Estelle, “You think we’d believe you bought this with a waitress’s money? If you did something disgusting, don’t you ever think about stepping into the Macclain family again!”

Bennett regretted it now. If he knew earlier, he wouldn’t have transferred money to Estelle, nor let her buy a gift.

“Mom, actually I gave Estelle the money to buy the necklace,” Bennett explained.

“You’re still covering for her at this point!” Elizabeth was so angry her whole body trembled, her face turning red, “Get out, all of you!”

Estelle picked up the necklace from the ground and turned to leave.

Bennett grabbed her and knew in his heart that if Estelle left like this, she’d never be welcomed in the Macclain family again.

No one else spoke, watching intently from the sidelines. Stanley and Leonie didn’t conceal the schadenfreude on their faces, while Simone remained silent, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Hans begged for Estelle, “Gran, Ella wouldn’t do anything terrible. I trust her please stop scolding her!”

Bennett held onto Estelle tightly with one hand and showed his phone with the other, “Mom, I really gave Estelle the money for the necklace. I just wanted to make you happy. Look, there’s the transfer history!”

Elizabeth glanced at the transfer records, her face slightly easing a bit, but she still looked cold, “So the gift was from you, and you both teamed up to deceive me?”


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