Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Carmella vaguely said, “KING doesn’t come to the design studio much. I’ve only seen him from afar, a man, probably in his thirties.”

She knew Snowy Studios was founded by KING and Jason, so it was natural for her to think that KING was a man too.

Estelle was having a blast killing in the game with Hans when she heard this and glanced at Carmella.

*A man?” Sallie was a bit surprised. As KING’s designs were both delicate and bold, the outside world had always been guessing about KING’s gender. She always thought KING was a woman, but this didn’t affect her admiration for KING at all. “Carmella, if you see KING again, can you get me an autograph?*

Carmella chuckled, “Sure, if I see him, I’ll get his autograph for you!”

Sallie walked over to Carmella and poured her a glass of juice, showing her closeness and friendliness, “Carmella, if Snowy Studios is hiring designers again, you must let me know in advance,”

It was the first time Sallie, who was usually proud and unsociable, was trying so hard to please someone.

Simone became more and more proud, “Wait for the day when Carmella can take you to visit the Snowy Studios.”

“Really?” Sallie asked expectantly.

Carmella smiled faintly, “The design studio doesn’t generally allow outsiders in, but if I get the chance, I’ll definitely take you!”

“Thank you, Carmella!” Sallie exclaimed excitedly, “Don’t forget it!”

Leonie laughed, “Our dear Sallie has never been this close to me, these two sisters have really hit it off!”

Simone laughed, “Sallie has grown up a lot recently and become more sensible!”

Sallie didn’t like people commenting on her, but thinking that Simone was Carmella’s mother, she was more tolerant of her, so she just grinned and said nothing.

Guests started arriving, and everyone went to greet them. Estelle and the others sat in the small hall next door, and the only one who stayed in the front hall to greet the guests with Elizabeth was Sabina.

It was already past ten o’clock, and more and more guests came to congratulate Elizabeth on her birthday, complimenting her for her youth and the talented Macclain family. Everyone was courteous and chatted with the familiar guests, and the living room became lively.

Among the guests, most were well acquainted with the Macclain family and they mostly did business. Many people’s eyes kept glancing at Sabina, insinuating that Sabina had talent and was destined for great things in the Lamont Group.

Simone, feeling unhappy, deliberately found an excuse to have Carmella by her side and mentioned that Carmella was working as a designer at Snowy Studios.

Everyone naturally complimented her again,

“The Macclain family’s daughters are all beautiful and talented, I’m so jealous!”

“If I had a daughter like that, I’d be content!”

“We don’t have daughters like that, but if we could let our sons marry one, I’d be grateful!”

Carmella smiled gracefully, standing behind Simone, who felt satisfied as the unpleasantness brought by Estelle had been swept away. While chatting and laughing, the birthday banquet was about to begin.

Elizabeth was becoming restless, her eyes constantly looking out. The Lamont family’s people were the VIPS she had invited. It was meant to improve the Macclain’s status by having the Lamont family showing at her birthday party in front of all the guests. But why hadn’t anyone from the Lamont family come yet even though it was already past noon?

Elizabeth had Addy wait by the door. She was getting anxious when Addy hurried in and said to her, “The Lamont family is here!”

As soon as the name “Lamont family” was mentioned, the entire Macclain family took it seriously, straightened their clothes, and went outside together to greet them.

Hearing that someone from the Lamont family had come to wish Elizabeth a happy birthday, the faces of the guests became meaningful, secretly guessing about the relationship between the Lamont family and the Macclain family.

The person who came was Millard. He walked into the living room surrounded by the Macclain family and immediately saw Estelle in the side hall. He explained to Elizabeth that the old lady of the Lamont family was unable to come, so he was sent to bring the birthday gift for Elizabeth.


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