Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Leonie joked, “Others may not be able to do it, but our Sabina works with Mr. Lamont, so it’s just a matter of saying the word!”

Sallie frowned, “Mom, I don’t care about the Lamont Group, I want to join Snowy Studios!”

Natalia’s face paled, “Sallie, what are you talking about? We’re all family here!”

Leonie said, “She’s just bad with words, don’t take it to heart!”

At this point, the silent Simone suddenly spoke up, “Sallie wants to go to Snowy Studios? We can ask Carmella for help!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked at Carmella.

Carmella smiled modestly, “I’ve only been there for a month and still in my probation period, but Sallie, if you really want to come, I can keep an eye out for job openings for you.”

Leonie gasped, “Carmella works at Snowy Studios?”

Carmella grinned and nodded, “Yes!”

Sallie’s face turned even worse, jealously and envy filled her eyes. This was her dream, and it had even become an obsession. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been tricked by Baber in the first place.

“Carmella is so awesome!” Leonie complimented, then teasingly said, “Way better than our Sallie here!”

Natalia chuckled and said, “With Carmella’s talent, she’d have no problem running her own design studio. Why work for someone else?”

Simone laughed, “We were originally planning to open a studio for Carmella, but she said she had just graduated and lacked experience, so she chose to work in a reputable studio first.”

Carmella didn’t speak. Only she knew that she went to Snowy Studios for Jason. And even though she had been there a month, she had only seen Jason from a distance one time.

Elizabeth held Carmella’s hand and smiled, “Carmella, you and Sabina are both the pride of the Macclain family!”

Sabina chimed in, “Carmella is hardworking. Our group’s entertainment company is planning a movie, and we’re inviting Snowy Studios to design the costumes. Maybe we’ll collaborate in the future!”

Carmella showed a sweet smile, “I hope I can get the chance!”

“How wonderful!” Elizabeth put their hands together, “If all the daughters in the Macclain family turn out like you two, your grandfather and I will be relieved!”

Simone wore a smile, as the embarrassment caused by Estelle had now been retrieved.

Leonie, feeling a bit uneasy, asked, “Carmella, how long have you been working there?”

Carmella replied, “Just a month!”

“Have you met King?” Sallie turned her head to ask.

Carmella’s eyes flickered, and she whispered, “I’ve… I’ve met him once!”

Leonie laughed, “Our Sallie is a huge fan of King, so if you see him again, please mention Sallie in front of him.”

Sallie looked at Carmella in astonishment, “You really met King?”

She was indeed a die–hard fan of King, and her desperate desire to join Snowy Studios was in large part because of her idol King!

Carmella smiled awkwardly, “Yes!”

“What does King look like, how old is he, and is he a man or a woman?” Sallie asked impatiently.


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