Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

The sight left everyone in a state of disbelief, including Josiah, who stared at the figure on the opposite side with a mixture of shock and astonishment

The Individual appeal to be a teenager, slender in build, clad in a black storm coat with a wide-brimmed hat concealing their brows and eyes, and a black mask adorning their face.

The “teenager” cast a cold gaze at Josiah before retreating alongside Xavier, Taking just two steps back, they swiftly pivoted and departed in haste

Despite being noticeably shorter than Xavier, they effortlessly supported him with a single hand.

A car happened to be parked at the nearby intersection. The mysterious figure placed Xavier in the backseat, swiftly took control of the driver’s seat, and sped away!

The first to react was Connor, who panicked and said, “We can’t just let him go like this. When he comes back, I’ll be dead for sure!”

Josiah coldly glanced at him, “Then why don’t you go catch him?”

Connor immediately shrank his neck.

“Coward!” Josiah spat out, advancing with an arm hanging unnaturally. It was the same hand that had been kicked by the enigmatic teenager earlier.

Who was that teenager? Excitement gleamed in Josiah’s eyes, yearning for a worthy opponent. He longed for a one-on-one confrontation with this mysterious individual.

The manager, overseeing the situation, arranged for the injured individuals to be taken to the hospital. He caught up with Josiah, chuckling. “Thank you, Josiah, for resolving a significant issue for me.”

Josiah abruptly halted, turning his head to face the manager. “I promised to assist you in dealing with Xavier. So why did you still allow Connor to drug him?”

The manager hesitated briefly, then swiftly responded, “Xavier is highly skilled and merciless. I was concerned that you would end up injured, and I couldn’t explain that to Brooks!”

He didn’t know Josiah’s true identity but knew he had been arranged by Brooks, so he had always been polite to Josiah.

Josiah sneered, “Does Brooks know about your despicable methods?”

The manager turned pale and froze.

Josiah turned his head and walked away.

J City General Hospital

It was late at night, and Estelle was waiting outside the operating room. She received a call from Jonathan at almost midnight. She went to the corner of the corridor and answered it.

Jonathan’s voice was low, “Why aren’t you at home?”

Estelle had already thought of an excuse, and her tone was as usual, “My grandpa asked me to go home, so I went back to C City. I didn’t have time to tell you.”

Jonathan frowned, “What’s the rush?”

“He didn’t say. I’ll find out when I get home.”

“Have you arrived?”

“Very soon!”

“Be careful, and let me know when you get home,” Jonathan said.

“Okay, you sleep, goodbye!”

Estelle hung up the phone and glanced at the still-lit operating room. She walked over.

Ten minutes later, Jonathan texted her, “Have you arrived?”

“Don’t worry; someone will pick me up.”


“My cousin”

He received another text from Jonathan, asking, “Have you met your cousin?”

is to continue deceiving him.

Chapter 308

The sight let everyone in a state of disbelief, including Josiah, who stared at the figure on the opposite side with a mixture of shock and astonishment

The individual appe

and a black mask ad

Ito be a teenager, elender in build, clad in a black storm coat with a wide brimmed hat concealing their brows and eyes, ng their face.

The “teenager” cast a cold gaze at Josiah before retreating alongside Xavier Taking just two steps back, they swiftly pivoted and departed in haste

Despite being noticeably shorter than Xavier, they effortlessly supported him with a single hand

A car happened to be parked at the nearby intersection. The mysterious figure placed Xavier in the backseat, swiftly took control of the drivers seat, and sped away!

The first to react was Connor, who panicked and said, “We can’t just let him go like this. When he comes back, I’ll be dead for sure!

Josiah coldly glanced at him, “Then why don’t you go catch him?”

Connor immediately shrank his neck.

“Coward Josiah spat out, advancing with an arm hanging unnaturally. It was the same hand that had been kicked by the enigmatic teenager earler

Who was that teenager? Excitement gleamed in Josiah’s eyes, yearning for a worthy opponent. He longed for a one-on-one confrontation with this mysterious individual.

The manager, overseeing the situation, arranged for the injured individuals to be taken to the hospital. He caught up with Josiah, chuckling “Thank you, Josiah, for resolving a significant issue for me.”

Josiah abruptly halted, turning his head to face the manager. “I promised to assist you in dealing with Xavier. So why did you still allow Connor to drug him?”

The manager hesitated briefly, then swiftly responded, “Xavier is highly skilled and merciless. I was concerned that you would end up injured, and I couldn’t explain that to Brooks!”

He didn’t know Josiah’s true identity but knew he had been arranged by Brooks, so he had always been polite to Josiah.

Josiah sneered, “Does Brooks know about your despicable methods?”

The manager turned pale and froze.

Josiah turned his head and walked away.

J City General Hospital

It was late at night, and Estelle was waiting outside the operating room. She received a call from Jonathan at almost midnight. She went to the corner of the corridor and answered it.

Jonathan’s voice was low, “Why aren’t you at home?”

Estelle had already thought of an excuse, and her tone was as usual, “My grandpa asked me to go home, so I went back to C City. I didn’t have time to tell you.”

Jonathan frowned, “What’s the rush?”

“He didn’t say. I’ll find out when I get home.”


you arrived?”

“Very soon!”

“Be careful, and let me know when you get home,” Jonathan said.

“Okay, you sleep, goodbye!”

Estelle hung up the phone and glanced at the still-lit operating room. She walked over.

Ten minutes later, Jonathan texted her, “Have you arrived?”

“Don’t worry; someone will pick me up.”


“My cousin.”

After ten more minutes had passed, Estelle received another text from Jonathan, asking. “Have you met your cousin?”

As Estelle glanced at her phone, a lump formed in her throat. Her fingers hesitated over the screen, unwilling to continue deceiving him.

For two long minutes, she contemplated her response, but before she could make a decision, the phone screen abruptly shifted to incoming call mode, incessantly displaying the word “Jonathan.”

Estelle instinctively hung up the phone and immediately texted him back, “I met him, and we’re on our way home.”

“Tell me again when you get home.”


Estelle stared blankly at the phone screen, feeling a mixture of guilt and w

After half an hour, she texted Jonathan to tell him she was home.


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