Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 307

Chapter 307

Chapter 307

Chapter 307

Xavier’s people were not convinced and often started trouble, which led to several fights between the two sides.

plained to Josiah that Xavier’s gang was really annoying, and they couldn’t get rid of them.

The supervis

Josiah coldly laugh

What’s so hard about this? If we can’t attack them from the outside, we’ll disintegrate them from the inside.”

The supervisor let out an exasperated sigh and swiftly devised a plan.

On a particular day. Xavier and his gang undertook a task to guard a shipment of goods. After spending an entire night ensuring their safety, they were generously rewarded. Connor proposed that they celebrate with a barbecue outing.

Xavier agreed, and he led his group of twenty men to a barbecue restaurant.

By 10 p.m., everyone had consumed a considerable amount of alcohol. They stumbled their way back to the warehouse, seeking rest.

During the journey back, Xavier began feeling weakness in his legs. Assuming it was due to the effects of alcohol, he leaned on Zachary’s shoulder for support as they continued walking.

Before they got home, a group of people suddenly surrounded them and started attacking them with wooden sticks.

Xavier’s people didn’t hesitate and fought back immediately.

In the chaos, Connor tried to pull Xavier to safety, but Xavier pushed him away, “Why are you hiding? They’re all the Lamont family’s running dogs!”

He then picked up a wooden stick and rushed forward.

However, his swings were only half as strong as usual, and he was not as agile. He ended up getting kicked in the waist.

He gritted his teeth, got up again, and with his extensive fighting experience, joined the fray once more.

Feeling something was off with his body, he didn’t have time to dwell on it. He protected his men while attacking the others in the chaos. Suddenly, a man from the opposing group rushed over. He was unarmed but his moves were ruthless and swift. Soon, a few of Xavier’s men were down.

Xavier confronted the man, but the man effortlessly seized his wrist and delivered a forceful kick to his chest.

Swiftly evading the attack, Xavier retaliated by seizing the man’s arm, attempting a shoulder throw.

In a split second, Josiah swiftly maneuvered, wrapping his leg around Xavier’s neck, and the two grappled, tumbling to the ground. Each sought to strike the other’s chest.

However, Xavier’s strength and agility seemed diminished, rendering him slower and weaker than usual. Ultimately, Josiah overpowered him. A powerful blow to Xavier’s chest sapped his remaining strength, and Josiah casually discarded him.

Mockingly, Josiah taunted, “That wasn’t so challenging, was it?”

Xavier spat out blood, grabbed a knife, and charged at Josiah again.

Josiah quickly picked up a wooden stick and hit Xavier in the neck. As he dodged the attack, Josiah grabbed his wrist and stabbed the knife into his right leg

“Ah!” Xavier grunted and fell to one knee.

Josiah remained emotionless, standing tall and looking down on Xavier with disdain.

Xavier’s people were all beaten and lying on the ground, moaning and screaming.

Only Connor was left standing, looking terrified and shaking slightly.

The supervisor for Brooks’ men approached Connor and patted him on the shoulder. He grinned, “We’ll make Xavier disappear from J City. His company and people will belong to you from now on!”

Xavier turned his gaze towards Connor, his voice strained and filled with hatred. “Connor! What have you done?”

The supervisor burst into laughter. “I had our little brother Connor slip something into your drink. If you want to survive, leave J City immediately!”

Josiah looked at the supervisor in surprise, narrowing his eyes.

“Connor, I’ll make sure you pay for this!” Xavier despised betrayal above all else. He clenched his teeth and lunged at Connor.

Josiah frowned and instinctively intervened, delivering a punch to Xavier’s face. Just as he prepared for a second strike, a figure suddenly leaped in, kicking his arm away and swiftly catching Xavier as he fell.


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