Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Jonathan get breakfast sorted, and Estelle picked out some light dishes for Emily. After she finished eating, Estelle poured her some water to take her med

Emily felt embarrassed as she rarely got sick. When she did, it was a big fuss, making her feel bad. “Estelle, I’m fine now, go do your thing!” Estelle replied, “Jonathan’s off to work, and I’ve got nothing to do during the day, so I’ll stay with you”

Feeling a sense of relief after taking the medicine, Emily expressed her desire to go to work. However, Estelle promptly intervened “Charlie instructed me to keep an eye on you until you fully recover and are ready to resume work.”

Emily couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter at the mention of Charlie’s name, causing her cheeks to flush “I’m really fine, not that delicate!” Estelle remained firm in her stance. ‘Regardless, you still need at least a day to rest. You’ve just taken your medicine, so go back to sleep for a little while!”

With no other option, Emily settled back down, offering a grateful smile to Estelle. “Thank you, Estelle!”

“Have a good rest!” Estelle closed the curtains, and the room gradually darkened.

Emily’s head was still a bit foggy, wanting to sleep but couldn’t. After hesitating for a moment, she picked up her phone and sent a message Charlie was napping on his private plane, having not slept much the night before and feeling even more exhausted due to the plane’s turbulence

Half-asleep, he heard a message coming in on his phone. He opened it to find a message from Emily, “Charlie, thanks for taking care of me last night.”

Charlie smirked, slowly typing, “You’re welcome, have a good rest!”

Two days later, Hans found Estelle’s account on WhatsApp and sent her a photo, “Ella, Sallie got an autograph from KING for my sister Carmella.”

Estelle looked at the photo, smiling quietly. The writing on the autographed paper was strong, undoubtedly a man’s handwriting.

Carmella believed KING was male, and had apparently found a man to help Sallie sign her name.

Hans messaged her again, “Ella, do you also know KING?”

Before, when his sister was cheated by Baber, Estelle could have people from the design studio call his mother. This meant Estelle knew people from Snowy Studios, and maybe even knew KING.

Estelle replied, “Sort of, why”

Hans, “Could you help me get KING’s autograph too? I’m a fan of her work!”

Estelle, “She’s not a celebrity though. How’d you become a fan?”

Hans, “I’ve always been a fan! Last year, KING designed an award-winning dress line for Milan Fashion Week, which was a remarkable response to a famous designer’s claim that our country’s designers lacked artistic talent. It was a bold move that proved their artistic prowess and silenced the critic. I find that truly admirable. Additionally, KING has a massive following. Can you believe they have 5 million followers? That’s incredible! KING’S Instagram account was managed by Jason, and Estelle wasn’t really aware of it. A faint smile appeared in her eyes, “Thanks for liking her!”

“Ella, do you really know KING? If so, help me get an autograph!” Hans quickly typed.

“Sure!” Estelle agreed, “Next time I see her, I’ll ask her to sign something for you.”

“Thank you, Ella!” Hans then asked, “Ella, is KING really a female?”

Estelle replied, “Yes!”

Hans’ eyes widened on the other side of his phone.

Josiah had been assigned by Jonathan to work under Brooks, dealing with cargo shipments at the dock. Just a short distance away stood the Lamont Group’s state-of-the-art management building, utilizing Al technology for efficient customs clearance, intelligent cargo handling, and real-time dispatching. It was a whole new experience for Josiah, but he quickly adapted to the system.

During his two days at the dock, Josiah became acquainted with Xavier’s name. One of Brooks’ supervisors harbored resentment towards Xavier’s company due to a past incident. As a result, they enforced a strict directive prohibiting the hiring of any employees from Xavier’s company at the Lamont Group docks.


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