Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

Chapter 352 

Chapter 352

It was pas! 11 pm when Estelle returned to the Royal Mansion. A thermos was left at the door, which contained a midnight snack Emily had prepared for her.

Estelle entered the house with the thermos, only turning on the floor lamp in the living room and sitting on the sofa. The room suddenly felt empty and cold.

Even the lights outside the window couldn’t reach inside.

She used to be alone all the time and never felt anything wrong, but now time seemed to drag on, showing how scary habits can be.

When she got used to being with someone else, she found the nights lonely and desolate on her


Estelle worked on her designs late into the night, not going to bed until dawn. She slept until noon.

After getting up, she ate something casually and went for a walk to Emily’s dessert shop.

It was the time of early autumn, but the weather was still unbearably hot. Estelle walked there with ice- cold hands, and not even a single bead of sweat on her forehead.

Upon entering the shop, she ordered their signature cheese ice cream, a chocolate mille-feuille, and a cup of black tea.

Aimee came over and said with a faint smile, “We meet again!”

Estelle smiled back, “Hello!”

Aimee placed the desserts on the table one by one. Her short hair in the back exposed her eyes, her bangs covered them. She looked up at Estelle and said, “Ms. Macclain, are you a student?”

Estelle nodded, “I’ll be a senior after the semester starts.”

“I saw you walking here. Do you live nearby?”

“Yes,” Estelle nodded, “I live in the Royal Mansion, above Emily’s place.”

“Do you also live alone?”



Aimee smiled gently, “Emily is delivering desserts next door, and she’ll be back soon. Please wait a


“Alright,” Estelle sat by the window, with the light shining into her clear eyes, bright and calm.

Aimee nodded slightly and turned around to get busy.

After about ten minutes, just as Estelle had finished eating the mille-feuille, Emily returned, her face. covered in sweat. She panted, “It’s so muggy and hot today. Is it going to rain?”

Estelle handed her some tissues and the cup of black tea, “Wipe your sweat first and have a drink.”

“Is the tea hot?” Emily exclaimed after taking a sip, knowing how much Estelle loved sweet and cold things. She was surprised Estelle would order a hot drink on such a hot day.

Estelle nodded, “I ate the ice cream and wanted something hot to balance it out.”


Emily almost spat out the tea, trying to suppress her laughter, “Could you stop fooling yourself, please?

Estelle raised her eyebrows.

Emily smiled and whispered mysteriously, “Why haven’t I seen your uncle around lately?”

Estelle’s smile disappeared, and she lowered her head, sipping through her straw, “He’s been very busy lately.”

Emily bit her lip and whispered, “Estelle, I don’t know if I should say this, but don’t take it to heart if I’m wrong. These rich people don’t really care about feelings. After all, it’s too easy for them to get a woman. Just look at my cousin Noreen, when she was with Charlie, he was really good to her, making her think he loved her. But when he broke up with her, there was no warning. No matter how much she tried to save the relationship, he never looked back at her again.”

Estelle looked up at her with deep eyes.


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