Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Chapter 353 

Chapter 353

Emily gave self-mocking smile. “That’s why I never ever dream of meeting a Prince Charming cur when it’s pasti idnight, the magic of Cinderella will disappear

Estelle’s eyes flickered with confusion in her opinion her encounter with Jonathan was not

accidental but she forgot that Jonathan didn’t know who she was Maybe to him, she was just a bed partner no different from Charlie’s girlfriends

He told her long ago, they were together for fun, and she must not develop feelings for him.

In the hospital, he coldly told her, to know her place!

Apparently, he was very clear headed!

Estelle’s finger touched the ice cream cup, and the coldness spread through her fingertips. She looked out the window, and the hustle and bustle of the streets outside had nothing to do with her, separated by a glass.

In the evening when Estelle went to work, she saw a lot of people gathered outside Midnight Bar from afar. Under the dim light, the neon lights in front of Midnight Bar had just lit up, colorful and dazzling.

Many passersby stopped and whispered, even took out their phones to take pictures.

Estelle wasn’t curious about all this, and didn’t stop to join in the fuss. She went straight into Midnight Bar. But after only two steps, she heard someone calling. “Ms. Macclain!”

Estelle turned back, and her eyes widened in shock.

The person surrounded by everyone was Hooper. Even though it was scorching hot, he was wearing a thick cotton suit, kneeling on the ground, sweating like a pig. His face was as red as a boiled lobster, looking also like a roasted suckling pig, with greasy beads rolling down his cheeks.

Seeing Estelle, Hooper looked at her as if she was his savior, and almost crawled towards her, panting heavily, “Ms. Macclain, I’m sorry!”

As he said that, Hooper slapped himself hard in the face. He was already sweating buckets and was near heatstroke. He looked like he was about to faint.

The onlookers stared at Estelle in astonishment, wondering what this guy had done to offend the young girl?

Estelle frowned, “Who told you to come?”

With both cheeks bruised from slapping himself and lips cracked, Hooper managed to speak, “It’s,

it’s Mr. Scott!”

Estelle’s eyes were indifferent, revealing no emotions, “Well, I see. You can leave now!”

Hooper hurriedly said, “Mr. Scott said, I should acknowledge you as my boss. If you accept me, then I can stand up.”

Estelle was speechless.

Manley really knew how to torture people in various ways!



“Boss!” Hooper, who had been exposed to the hot sun for three hours, was extremely dizzy, unable to hold on any longer.

thirsty and

Estelle calmly said, “Remember this feeling. Don’t bully service staff in the future. You may have more money! power than them, but there will always be someone stronger than you!”

Hooper nodded eagerly, “I will remember, I will remember!”

“You can stand up!” Estelle said.

But Hooper didn’t dare to..

More and more people were coming to Midnight Bar, all curiously looking. Estelle coldly said, “Stand up, unless you want to kneel until tomorrow morning.”

Hooper quickly looked up at Estelle, panicked.

Estelle ignored him and headed into Midnight Bar.

Many people in Midnight Bar heard about Hooper kneeling outside in a cotton suit during the summer, so the news spread quickly within Midnight Bar.

Later, while Jonathan was discussing matters with Charlie on the eighth floor, Carson shared the story as a joke.


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