Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

Chapter 354 

Chapter 354

Charlie asked “What did Hooper do to piss Estelle off?

Carson had already heard the inside story and told Charlie about how Hooper had made things difficult for Estelle last night.

Charlie sneered, “Why is Manley always around?”

Carson also said irritably, “Manley’s a weirdo, torturing Hooper just for fun. Hooper wouldn’t dare to do anything to him afterwards, but who knows if he’ll hold a grudge against Estelle.”

Charlie glanced at Jonathan who was looking at his phone and said indifferently, “Ask Addison to keep an eye on him. Hooper has a lot of dirty tricks up his sleeve. Don’t give him a chance to get near Estelle.”

Carson hurriedly said, “After being tortured by Manley, Hooper might behave himself for a few days. But I’ve already told Andrew to let Addison know to be more cautious, and also added a few more security personnel on the sixth floor.”

Jonathan’s expression remained indifferent, never raising his head, as if he had nothing to do with what the two were talking about.

After the incident with Hooper, the customers at Midnight Bar became more polite to the waiters, and even if their attitude wasn’t great, no one would deliberately make things hard for the waiters


This chain reaction was something that no one had expected.

Natalie secretly chatted with Addison and asked, “Was it really Mr. Scott who stood up for Estelle?”

Addison calmly replied, “Who else could have made the young master of Spotlight Entertainment

kneel for hours?”

Natalie gasped, “I thought it was a lie when you said Estelle knew Mr. Scott!”

“Why would it be a lie?” Addison scoffed, “Didn’t you know that Mr. Scott was locked up by Estelle in the break room hand copying a book for hours that day?”

“I didn’t know, I think I was off that day.” Natalie showed a look of disbelief, “Who the hell is Estelle?”

“Who knows? Even though Manley and Jonathan don’t get along, people from both sides protect her!” Addison was also puzzled, and she said seriously, “Anyway, you just need to know it in your


“Yes, thank you for the reminder, Addison!” Natalie nodded heavily.

At 11 PM

Jonathan returned to the Lamont family and met Janice in the living room.

Janice came out of the kitchen, greeted Jonathan, and was about to go upstairs with her milk when she suddenly remembered something and asked, “Jonathan, are you close to Estelle?”

Jonathan turned his head, his eyes deep and his voice low due to all the drinks he’d had earlier. “What’s up?”



“Well, Janice turned around to face him directly, “Matthew called Estelle asking her out, but she always refused. I didn’t want to ask her directly, so if you’re close to her, could you find out if she’s really not interested in Matthew or just too shy?”

Jonathan’s eyes darkened as he replied indifferently, “Alright, I got it.”

“Thanks!” Janice gave a gracious smile and went upstairs with her milk.

Jonathan sat in the living room for a while before heading back to his room on the third floor.

After showering, he went to the study to check a few documents. When he returned to his bedroom, it was already 2 AM.

He’d had quite a bit to drink and felt tipsy. He thought it would be easier to fall asleep, but he found himself tossing and turning restlessly.

He got up and took another cold shower, then sat at the edge of his bed. The room was dark, but the light from the yard filtered in and cast a glow on his profile.

He picked up his phone from the bedside table, not bothering to look up Estelle’s number in his contacts, and manually dialed her number.

Estelle, who had been woken up by the call, immediately became alert when she saw the caller ID.

She answered the phone, holding it up to her ear, “Hello?”

There was no sound on the other end of the phone.

Estelle remembered that Jonathan had called her late at night like this before, without making a sound. She waited silently for five seconds, and just as she was about to hang up, the man’s cold and deep voice came through from the other end.


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