Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358 

Chapter 358

Estelle originally thought it was a coincidence that she and Manley bumped into each other here, but now she feels like she’s part of this scheme too.

Thankfully, she has absolute trust in Magdalen. If someone else had brought her here, she would’ve thought she got played.

Since Jonathan showed up, Magdalen’s eyes were full of curiosity, and she was ready to watch some shit show.

Now she wanted to see what tricks these people were up to?

Jonathan’s eyes were as cold as usual, his attitude hard to read. When he glanced at Estelle and Manley, there was a hint of chill in his gaze.

Bagot had invited Manley as his main guest today, but he didn’t dare to neglect Jonathan. He asked him to sit in the main seat, and personally poured wine for everyone, his face full of smiles. “It’s my lifelong honor to have Mr. Lamont, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Daly here today. Let me toast to you all first!”

After saying that, he drank a glass of wine.

After finishing his drink, he poured another one and raised it to Estelle. “This must be Ms. Macclain, - right? My son behaved badly when he got drunk and disrespected you. I’ll punish myself by drinking

another glass, and I hope you can forgive him.”

He then drank another glass of wine.

The others had various expressions on their faces, and for a moment, the atmosphere in the private room became cold and tense.

Hattie looked at Estelle, and then at Jonathan and Manley, feeling a bit puzzled.

After the last time Lina slapped her, she had Amy look up Estelle and found out she was Norah’s classmate, not Jonathan’s niece at all.

She was angry at herself for being foolish and even angrier at Estelle for fooling her!

Since Estelle was not Jonathan’s niece, then she must be his mistress. So even though she hated Estelle, she didn’t dare to act rashly. But now seeing Estelle sitting next to Manley, she was confused again.

Whose side was Estelle on, anyway?

On the other side, Bagot put down his wine glass and smiled pleasingly at Manley. “Mr. Scott, I’m not. the only investor in Mr. Daly’s movie. Many people are involved, and it’s the fruit of many people’s labor! My son made a mistake, and you can punish him however you want, but please show mercy and don’t spread the photos. If they get leaked, so much effort would be wasted!”

Manley’s face still looked careless. He casually picked up some food for Estelle and smiled faintly, “I’ll have to think about this!”

Bagot’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked towards Mr. Daly.

Mr. Daly said seriously, “I’ll delete all of Maisie’s scenes and reshoot with a different actress. Her affairs with Mr. Raye have nothing to do with the movie. As a director, however, I’m responsible for



the conduct of my actors, so I’m willing to take responsibility for this issue.”

Manley raised his head and sneered, “I’m just going after Hooper, and it has nothing to do with your movie. As for what you want to do, that’s your business!”

Mr. Daly’s face turned dark at Manley’s retort.

By now, Estelle had pretty much figured out what was going on.

Spotlight Entertainment was one of the producers of Mr. Daly’s movie. Manley targeted Hooper because of Estelle, and he accidentally photographed an improper relationship between Hooper and Maisie, an actress who played the second lead in the movie.

Whether Hooper and Maisie were actually in love or Maisie was just using Hooper to advance her career, if the photos got leaked, it would definitely point to an improper relationship between the investors and the movie’s actors.

If the scandal broke out, Mr. Daly’s movie would surely be ruined.

Bagot wanted Manley to show mercy today.


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