Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Chapter 359 

Chapter 359

Hattie was the female lead in the movie, so she was invited as well.

As for Bagotting Jonathan, it’s because the Firefly Media Group was also a producer of the movie, and Hattie was an artist under his company. With so many intertwined interests, Bagot believed that Jonathan would help them solve this matter for his own benefits and Hattie’s sake.

With Jonathan here, Bagot thought Manley will show some respect no matter what.

Estelle, the cause of this matter, was completely inadvertently involved and had been brought here by Manley on a whim.

At this point, Hattie spoke up gently, “Ms. Macclain, I know Mr. Scott targeted the movie because of you. For the sake of Mr. Lamont’s previous help, please persuade Mr. Scott to let us off the hook!”

Estelle looked up and saw Hattie’s innocent and pure face, her eyes cold.

Manley scoffed from the side, “Do you think I have too much free time, and a lousy movie is worth. my attention?”

Hattie’s expression changed slightly, and she hurriedly said, “Mr. Scott, you misunderstood, I didn’t mean that.”

Magdalen spoke up coldly. “If that’s not what you meant, then are you intentionally trying to include innocent people into this?”

Hattie frowned, showing an innocent expression, “Ms. Sampson, I don’t understand what you’re saying. At what point did I try to do that?”

She carefully looked at Jonathan, “Mr. Lamont, did I say something wrong? Isn’t Ms. Macclain your friend? You used to take care of her like a younger sister. If Ms. Macclain speaks up, Mr. Scott will definitely ease his anger on our production team!”

Bagot immediately chimed in, “So it turns out Mr. Lamont and Ms. Macclain are also friends, what at coincidence!”

Manley sneered, “They only know each other, but they are not considered friends!”

Jonathan had been silent all this time. At last, he looked at Estelle with a matter-of-fact tone and said, “Since the root of the problem lies in Hooper offending Ms. Macclain, why don’t about how to appease her?”

Bagot hastily agreed, “Indeed, Mr. Lamont’s words are enlightening.”

you think

He lowered his stance and looked at Estelle, “Ms. Macclain, I’ve already scolded that bastard at home. If you still feel wronged, feel free to make any demands, and I promise to comply. This movie. isn’t just about the money, we’re not the only producer. If the movie can’t be screened because of us, I really don’t know how to explain it to the other producers!”

Estelle didn’t respond, but Manley’s face darkened, “Estelle is soft-hearted, so why are you all pushing her?”

Magdalen couldn’t help but want to laugh when she saw Jonathan’s face darken. She knew that he was also trying to speak for Estelle by deliberately making things difficult for Bagot. However, with Manley’s words, it seemed like Jonathan and Bagot were both ganging up against Estelle.

* huge they’re differs to


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